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10 years ago:

When I asked my Mama where we were going, she didn't reply at first. She ignored my questions and concentrated on dressing me up like it was the only thing that mattered. I had to look presentable, she said. The good girl that I was, I nodded quietly and did as I was told. I wore my hair down even though I hated it. She too wore a lovely white gown and applied makeup, something I had never seen her do before.

A while later, she rushed me out of our apartment and directed me towards a shiny black car. Reluctantly, I got in and looked at the man driving it. It wasn't Papa. I didn't know him. I turned to look at Mama as she closed the door and the car sped off. I had a million questions eating at me but the most important was, "where is Papa?"

"Mama?" I said, pulling at the sleeve of her dress.

She didn't respond and continued looking out the window, away from me. She was avoiding me.

"Mom!" I said, pulling harder this time.

She finally turned to face me, "Where are we going?" I asked.

"To your new home," She sounded certain as though there was no turning back.

I didn't know what to say. All my belongings were in our apartment and I didn't want a new home.

"Is Papa there?" I asked, hopeful.

I watched as her expression changed and it looked like she was having another conversation in her head.

"You'll see soon," She finally said. That was not the response I wanted and a simple yes would've satisfied me but I kept quiet.

"Sleep Alyssa," Mama said and I nodded.

I was sleepy, she had stirred me up too early that day. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I didn't dream. I never did or maybe I just didn't remember them. I always wanted to be a dreamer but I never could.

"Alyssa," I heard Mama call my name. I opened my eyes groggily and looked out the window, not knowing what to expect. As my vision slowly adjusted, I was rendered speechless. The sight of a huge silver gate replaced the words on my tongue.

"Where are we?" I whispered, more to myself than anyone else.

Slowly, the gate swung open and the car took the only one road visible. There were enormous trees on either side of us and it felt like the path would never end. I didn't want it to but soon, the trees started clearing out.

It was unbelievable how a place like that existed just a few hours away from my home. I caught sight of a fountain on the left but the car changed course and turned right instead. My eyes widened as a house came into view. It was made of a brown wood, lighter than that of the trees and some of the walls had huge glass panels. I couldn't look through them.

The car stopped infront of the giant house and I got out. It was extraordinarily beautiful. I could smell the sweetness in the air, it was hard to oversee.

Mama came to stand beside me and I looked up to check if she was as astonished as I was, but her face showed no sign of amazement. Whatever she felt, she hid it well or maybe she had seen this place several times before.

"Where is Papa?" I whispered. It felt wrong to disturb the peace the place held.

"Come here," She said and led me towards the steps that gave entrance to the house. I followed her without asking any questions, she wasn't answering them anyways.

As I placed my foot on the last step, the doors opened and a man hurried out. Following him was a young lady. She was beautiful and definitely younger than Mama. The man looked older. He had brown hair and wore a suit. He looked as old as Papa.

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