Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6:


I wasn't absentminded. It was the presence of mind that made me the way I was. My mind had a power over me so strong, once it took control, I really couldn't do anything. I wished I could take that power back but I never could. Gradually, I started to give up and let my thoughts take over. It didn't take long for me to realize that I had made a mistake.

The next three days went by in a blur, I hung out with Brooke, checked my phone every second wishing Austin wouldn't call and avoided Seth. The avoiding Seth part was easier than I thought, I barely saw him. He always went out at night and never ate at our house. Honestly, I felt bad. I had promised Emma I'd make sure he does fine. I had to do something.


I looked up at Cameron. We were at his place, watching a football match.

"Yea?" I answered.

"You look a little more down that usual," He said and Evan turned around, nodding.

"Yea I...Brooke?" I said, wishing she could give my life update to them.

She nodded and told them about Austin and the date as well as Seth. Once she was done, both of them looked at me and started laughing hysterically.

"Aly...and...boy...problems," Cam said, in between laughs. I glared at him but a second later, my glare turned into a smile because it was funny. Me and boy problems were like north and south.

Evan controlled his laughter and said, "It takes five positive things to outweigh a single negative thing."

"Really?" I asked.

"yea," He nodded. It was one of his facts I couldn't question.

I looked at Brooke and she shrugged.

Well, positive things were always accompanied by negative ones so there was no outweighing in my case.

"Is this Seth kid troubling you?" Cam asked.

"No," I said, wanting to end the discussion but it seemed like they weren't going to do that.

"So how is he?" Evan asked, "Did you meet him?" He said to Brooke.

"Nope," Brooke said and all of them looked at each other and then at me and at that moment I realized what was going on in their tiny heads.

"Okay tomorrow, five, Aly's house," Cam said and they nodded.

"What? You can't invite yourselves like that!" I said but they were busy, chewing burgers and watching tv.

"C'mon Aly, Seth's going to be with you the entire summer," Brooke said and I sighed.

"He's not going to be with me! He's just staying at my house," I said.

"Same thing," Cam said and all of them turned to me again, nodding.

"Fine you can come," I huffed and they turned away, ignoring me.

They were going to be there no matter what.


I rubbed my eyes, wishing the angel of sleep would realize I was still awake. I wanted to sleep but my body didn't.

Ten minutes of twisting and turning later, I got out of bed and pulled the shades open. I looked at the moon shining on the left while the rest of the night remained black. No stars tonight, I registered. No light either.

That was still enough for the night to still look pretty and captivate me in it's spell. It was time for me to go midnight swimming. I'd always wanted to step into the pool at night but I never had. I felt excited as I wore the first swimsuit that came into my hand, a baby pink one piece, and tied my hair into a tiny ponytail.

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