Chapter 24:

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Chapter 24:


We ended up lying on the bed, a respectable distance between us, staring at the sky.

We talked for hours, playing that game where you ask five things like your favorite color, movie, etc. and then you take turns, answering them.

"Favorite color?" I asked.


"Blue," I said.

"Movie?" He asked next.

"Clueless and Sense and Sensibility... did u watch those?"

"No, I didn't."

"Great, we can watch it together sometime!" I said, looking at the clouds, mixing into each other, fading into the sky.

"Yeah." His voice sounded far away.

"What about you?"

"I don't even know," He answered even though it was his question.

"Nothing you really enjoyed?"

"I don't get much time to watch movies."

"Okay.... Do you read?" I asked, hopeful. I hadn't read anything for a while but it was something I definitely loved. Reading was like forgetting your own troubles and becoming someone else entirely, like losing yourself for a while only to find yourself again, with much more familiarity of basic things than you ever had. And when you could actually relate to the characters, it felt like heaven.

"Sometimes." He said.

"Any favorites?" I asked. I was sure he could sense the hope in my voice, urging him to speak.
I wasn't a huge reader but that didn't mean I loved reading any less.

"Not really."



"Umm," I thought about it. "One of my favorites is Turtles All the Way Down." I said.


"Yeah," I nodded, feeling a little tense. I didn't like revealing my book choices. It felt like stripping down a layer of my skin.

"What did you like about it?" He asked.

"I related to it a lot," I said.

"I'll read it," He said a moment later.

"You would do that?"

"Yea," He said, like no big deal. I felt weird picturing him with a book. I felt weirder picturing him with one of my favorites. What would he think about it?

My other favorites were books that weren't YA novels. Maybe, I would've picked one of those if I knew he'd be reading it.

Anyway, we went on and on. Favorite singer, celebrity crush, number, a place you want to visit, season, person.

Mine: too many to choose from, Harry Styles, thirteen, NYC, winter, Brooke.

His: too many again, Emma Watson, sixty-nine (I shoved him for that) after which he said two, Italy, summer, no one.

"You don't have a favorite person?" I asked.



"I don't know."

It was twilight. The sky looked extremely captivating with all the yellow and orange merging into a dark pink.

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