Chapter 27:

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Chapter 27:


"Alyssa!" I called after her before she could return back into the mansion. Amy gave me a thumbs up and walked away, leaving us behind.


"I could still take you out for dinner."

She looked up at the sky as she realized it wasn't late at all. For dinner, it was still early.

"Yeah," She agreed. I gave her a slight smirk as she walked towards me.

I led the way to my bike and handed her the helmet.

"You wear it," She said.

"Take it," I said handing it to her, leaving her no other option.

"It'll mess my hair up," She said, holding it out to me.

"You're so annoying," I sighed, taking it. She was so stubborn. I knew she didn't care about her hair one bit.

I slipped it on and she smiled, climbing in behind me.

I waited for her to slip her hands around my stomach and even though I was expecting the heat of her hands, and I'd done it several times before, I was still taken by surprise when an unexpected warmth coursed through me.

"Hold on tight."

"I know," She said.

"Yeah," I said, speeding off. She gasped so loud, I smiled to myself.

"Where were you going to take me earlier?" She breathed.

"Actually, I wasn't sure," I confessed. "I was planning on watching the sunset and feeding the ducks by the pond."

She was quiet for a while and then she spoke, "Let's watch the sunset then."

"We'll be late for dinner, do you still want to go?" I asked, focusing on the road.

She was thinking about it. I felt her jaw move, but I couldn't hear her.

"Do we have a curfew?" I asked, speaking louder, urging her to do the same.

"No, Mom wouldn't even know," She said, louder this time.

I didn't like the sound of that. How often did she do this? First, sneaking out and now, returning home late. Still, I said, "Great."

I changed the route.

A few minutes later, we strolled into the Canyon State Park, making our way towards the pond.

"Shit," I said, realizing I hadn't brought any bread. I was way too bad at this.

"No bread? I noticed," Aly said, laughing.

I was quiet for a while as we walked in the soft grass.

"Do you come here often?" Alyssa asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," I nodded.


"I think the ducks recognize me by now," I said, looking at the pond at a distance.

"I didn't take you for the duck feeding type of guy," Aly said.

I didn't know what to say to that so I stayed quiet. Aly didn't seem to mind. She kept glancing at the flowers, the sky and the pond with an admiring look in her eyes.

It was a good day, really. There were tall green trees on one side of us and tiny spines of grass beneath our feet. The pond stood at the center of the park. It was so huge, the people on the other side of it looked tiny. There weren't many people then, it was pretty late for feeding the ducks and there were better places to watch the sunset. I myself preferred early mornings when the fog over the pond made it look ethereal.

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