Chapter 22:

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Chapter 22:


I wasn't able to sleep.

I lay in my bed, thinking. Why did my mother have to intervene in my life all the time? She just didn't like seeing me happy.

I refused to think about what I had admitted to Seth. It was embarrassing but atleast it was out in the open now. I felt stupid, I thought he'd cared enough to realize I would be waiting.

I stood up and lifted the blinds sheilding my window, and looked out at the sky, thinking. I called Brooke and even though it was too late, she still answered.

"Hey Alyssa."

"Hey Brooke, you okay now?"

"Kinda." I relaxed a bit at that and then she continued.

"He doesn't talk to me," She said.

"He's ignoring you?"

"Yeah pretty much."

I felt my anger rising up. I wanted to talk to Evan so bad, to sort everything out but it just wasn't going to happen with me sitting at home.

"Can I sneak out to your house?" I asked Brooke, a little excited and nervous at the direction my thoughts were taking.


"You heard me."

"I can't believe you bestie," She laughed. I didn't believe myself either. I preferred staying out of trouble. I preferred sleeping.

Is this the summer where I finally change into a cool person? A badass who sneaks out? I pictured rumors of me sneaking out for parties spreading all over Texas and stifled a giggle. The news would say, Blackwell daughter sneaks out and gets kidnapped. She was never found again.

I pictured myself having a family with my kidnapper, black hair, blue eyes-

"Sure, you can sneak out and then return home early I guess," Brooke said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Leave your door unlocked," I said into the phone, smiling and whispering. I didn't know exactly why I felt so amazing. I was breaking rules and that gave me a weird kind of pleasure.

"Okay got it," She squealed.

"See you."

"Bye." I could feel the happiness in her voice, making me feel welcomed.

I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie before walking out of the house, not caring if I wasn't actually sneaky. It was easy to walk out unnoticed. The mansion was so huge, my parents might as well live in a separate house and I wouldn't even know.

I stood near a bush, waiting for him. It was exactly 1 a.m. when he walked out, making his way to the bike. I didn't know why I thought this was a good idea but he was my only option.

"Seth," I hissed, reconsidering my options again. Now that he was right there, I didn't know if my plan was ideal after the way I had shouted at him just a few hours ago.

He looked around and I moved away from the bush, until he noticed me.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked, walking towards me. He looked almost concerned. "Look Alyssa, I know I left that time but it doesn't mean you have the right to kill me"

"I'm just sneaking out," I said, nervously.

"Go back in Aly, it's so late," He took hold of my arm and I snatched it away, ignoring the weird feeling in my stomach. He let go but his eyes didn't leave my face.

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