Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:


I stood in my room and looked through the glass. One of my entire walls was made of glass. It was easily the best part of my room. My fingers trailed down the barrier as I looked up at the sky. The darker blue was taking over and I could see the clouds fading into the sky, disappearing one at a time, like their time was up for the day. I wished I could vanish like that, and come back only when people missed me.

I plugged my earbuds in and closed my eyes, letting the music carry me away. The sweet melody sent shivers through my spine and I became the music. I forgot my worries and probably got too carried away because a knock on my door was enough to startle me.

My eyes whipped open and I turned around, removing the earbuds. I relaxed my shoulders and opened the door.

Emma walked in and I quickly noticed she wasn't in her uniform. She looked tired and her forehead creased with worry. I hoped it wasn't me she was so concerned about. I hadn't done anything to stress her out except for breaking that china bowl. I hid that pretty well, she couldn't know.

"What's wrong?" I asked, closing the door behind her.

"I won't be coming here for two months," She said. That was my entire summer vacation. I stopped in my tracks and stared at the floor, asking "Why?"

"Jess had an abortion, she's not doing well," Emma said. Jess? Oh, Jess. Her sister, I recalled.

"Oh," I said and quickly added, "I hope she gets better."

"Me too," She said and smiled but her eyes betrayed her.

"What else is bothering you?" I asked, holding her gaze.

"You wouldn't be able to do anything," She said and I cringed. I was never able to do anything.

"Maybe I can," I offered, defensively. I wanted to help her. She had done so much for me.

"It's about Seth," She said and I immediately dropped my gaze.

Seth Harrison. Her son.

It had been years since I had heard his name but it was one I couldn't forget, no matter how hard I tried to.

"What about him?" I asked, trying to keep my voice even and failing miserably. My voice was no more than a whisper, it sounded all wrong.

"I don't want to leave him alone here for two months," Emma said and I nodded. Emma worried way too much.

"He's eighteen," I said, trying to calm her down.

She didn't reply.

She turned around and was about to leave when I stopped her. I didn't know why I did that. I stood for a while, thinking. I did that a lot.

"Emma?" I said, "He can stay here."

I wasn't ready to take his name. It would being back too many of the memories I was trying to leave behind. Emma's eyes widened at my words before she smiled. She always wanted us to be friends. I knew for a fact that it wasn't happening ever again.

"Will your Mom allow?" She asked.

"Yes," I said. I would somehow make her listen to me and if she didn't, I would invite him anyway. That wasn't much of a problem.

"Are you sure Alyssa?" I knew she wasn't talking about Mom this time. She was talking about Seth staying with me. I wasn't sure. I was far from sure. I wanted to take back my words but she looked so happy, I just couldn't.

"Yes," I said, trying to convince myself.

"Thank you," Emma, already looking like a huge weight had been lifted off her back.

"I love you," She added and this time, I smiled. It wasn't everyday I got to see her say that to me. It made everything worth it.

"Don't eat that chocolate now, come down for dinner," She said, pointing to the half eaten chocolate on my bed and walking out.

The moment she walked out, I realized what I had done. My worst nightmare was about to come alive and who's fault was it? Mine.

I felt like slapping myself but instead I took that chocolate from my bed and ate it, my mind couldy.

I pulled down the blinds covering my glass wall a bit too aggressively and went down for dinner.


Dad sat on the "head of the family" chair of our long table, I don't know what it's called. He looked over us, like literally. Mom sat beside him on one side and on the other side sat my younger sister, Amelia. I sat beside her.

Amelia was my step sister. She was thirteen years old. When her mother left her, my mom had stepped in and married her Dad and here we were, somehow sisters, but without the same Mom or Dad. We didn't talk much but nonetheless, I loved her. Everyone did.

We never talked during meals so it surprised me when Dad called my name.

"Alyssa?" He said and I looked away from my food at him.

"We want to talk to you after dinner," He gestured towards Mom.

"Ok," I said, thinking what is the worst that could happen?

I looked at Amy sitting beside me, my eyes a question. She just shrugged. She didn't know what Mom and Dad wanted from me. Considering the fact that we never exchanged more than just some pleasantries, thinking about what they would want scared me a little.

I was being too anxious, I realized and concentrated on eating my food. That was easy.


As I knocked on my parents door, my hands felt sweaty and I had that feeling you get when you know something bad is about to happen.

Mom opened the door and I walked in. Dad sat on the bed and Mom joined him. I didn't sit.

"How is school going, Alyssa?" Dad asked.

"School is over Dad," I said and he nodded.

There was a short silence and then Dad got straight to the point, like I knew he would.

"My business is very important to me," Dad said and I nodded, "It's a huge part of who I am. You don't have any experience in these kind of things. Perhaps, I would have wanted you to but I can't decide what you want for you."

I had no idea where this was going. I silently hoped for the best. Dad seemed at a loss for words. I had never seen him look like that.

Instead, Mom spoke up.

"You know Austin's Dad and your Dad have been friends and business partners for very long," She said and my heart stopped. Where is she going with this?

Sure I knew Austin but I hadn't seen him in two years. I always missed their grand parties. I was always "sick", enjoying myself alone in my room rather than at a party.

"We want you and Austin to get together and carry the business along," Mom said and my world collided.

In plain terms, she wanted me to marry Austin.

This is the worst that could happen.


How was it? I'm scared.

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Qotd: Do you have siblings?

I have three :)

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