Chapter 41:

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~ Up there ^ , If you wanna listen to a song while/before/after reading, Hypochondriac by Sahsa Sloan~

Chapter 41:


I wasn't able to walk using crutches. My leg hurt a lot, it burned whenever I moved. Obviously, I didn't tell that to anyone, it would just increase my days at the Hospital. I desperately wanted to get away from there and return back to my house. I didn't remember what it looked like and I felt a little nervous. I'll probably remember it when I see it though.

I was seated in the car, trying to ignore the burning sensation coursing through my right leg. Mom was sitting beside me. I gulped as we passed through a huge gate, and came to a stop in front of a mansion. My home. I looked around at all the greenery and instantly felt calm.

The next second, I started trying too hard to find something in particular. I felt embarrassed as I realized I was searching for Seth. I just couldn't find him in any of my memories. I could remember him as a kid but the eighteen-year old Seth never showed up.

"Ready?" Mom asked.

"Yeah," I nodded even though I wasn't. I knew my leg was going to hurt when I stepped out of the car but soon, I realized my imagination had been way off. The pain that coursed through me was stronger than ever. I didn't have any practice of using crutches (obviously) so I found myself proceeding slower than I would've liked towards my house.


I looked up to see Seth. His eyes travelled down my body to my leg and he immediately moved towards me, helping me through the doors and towards the couch. I felt stupid as my thoughts were directed towards our close proximity when I should've been focused on maintaining my balance instead.

"Are you even trying?" Seth asked, supporting half of my weight. I had my arm around his neck while his arm was around my waist, slightly lifting me up. It was better than those stupid crutches. Way better actually.

"Um...yea I am," I said. Not really.

He slightly bent downwards, and I moved away from him to sit on the couch in the living room. I turned to look at the stairs and sucked in a breath.

"Is my room on the first floor?" I asked.

"Yeah," He answered.

"Oh God."

I looked up to see Seth smiling at me.

"What is so funny?" I asked, annoyed.


"Tell me," I insisted.

"I'm just happy you're not in that awful hospital gown anymore. I hated it," He said.

I was wearing a hoodie with some black shorts. Brooke had helped me change into them. I sighed as I wondered when I would be changing my bottoms again. I sure as hell wouldn't ask anyone in the house to help me. I'd rather stay in the same shorts than have my Mom or Amelia watch me struggle with them.

"I hated it more," I said.

I turned to look as Mom walked towards us, "Will you be able to climb up the stairs?" She asked, looking at my leg.

"Yea," I nodded, reaching for my crutches, trying to prove my point when she looked doubtful.

"I'll help her," Seth offered.

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