Chapter 30- Is it worth it?

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Marcus POV...

Sitting in the meeting and for the strangest reason I felt off, something wasn't right, I was anxious, nervous and on edge, "Prince Marcus wouldn't you agree?"

Everyone's eyes were on me, "agree on what?" I asked rhetorically arching my brow as if I was paying attention.

"Before you walk down the aisle with her," great grandfather the XVII starts, "You will have an understanding that marriage is important to continue the bloodline and to your people, but we came to the conclusion that to order for this to happen, she must first transition to be a vampire, and this needs to happen before she's wed to you."

"What if she doesn't want to be one of us?" I ask.

Great grandfather the V chimed in, "you and I both know that women have no say with what they want here," grandfather was looking at me with pure disgust, "you know we cannot afford for the bloodline to be tainted by some human despite her title, we cannot repeat history."

"Great grandfather the V with all due respect, I respect my fiance and I represent both of us and with that being said I know she won't stand for any of this."

He turns his attention to my father, "Zapphire this is who you will pass down the throne to?" He asks rhetorically, "I think you should reconsider your decision maybe Viperina would be best suited and not this leech, when you speak she obeys she would never go off and do something so heinous."

"Since as you know my sister so much you'd know you're talking out your ass," the weird feeling crept up my spin again.

"How dare you defy your elders you will apologize this moment," father said.

"It is time for a change, my fiance shouldn't have to be subjected to this level of ignorance neither will our children when she decides to bare me an heir, she isn't some trophy that I will dust off and place at my side, she is my equal I am the head but she is my neck and I cannot make a move without her," they all looked at me as if I grew a third head. 

This is the first time anyone in history challenged the entire council, "you will hold your tongue you all had your reign over this kingdom and it is my turn as the firstborn to take my place, and as for you father, I am your child and your first heir how dare you abandoned me in my time of need."

The room went silent, I could tell they wanted to tear me limb from limb, I was ready to take them all down with. The doors to the room burst open pulling everyone's attention, when I saw the look on Brittney's face I knew there was a reason for me to be feeling like this. It felt like the world around me slowed down, and my heart starts to speed up.

 One of the elders stood up, "but I beg your pardon get out you thing!" 

"This meeting is over I have more pressing matters to attend to, Brittney please follow me," Micheal came from behind Brittney with a clueless look on his face looking between us.

I walked out of the council room led them to my office I turned on the switch in my office to make the office soundproof. 

"What happened?"

"I think, no, I know she's kidnapped."

"That makes no sense how do you know this, we were just talking on the balcony how certain are you?" Micheal asks, I look between them trying to figure out why they were together.

"I can't explain it, I could see everything that was happening around her, it was like little snippets, but it felt like I was there with her, but I wasn't at the same time I have no idea how to explain it," she held her temples.

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