Chapter 18- Erase

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Athena (E) POV...

I halted in my steps, "What is wrong?" Brittney asks me.

"I didn't want to do this to you just yet, but you will have to stay behind," I said, turning to Brittney.

"No, I don't want to, this is the first time I have ever gotten the chance to get away from the castle, and this is what you do to me?!"

I look at her, "you will listen to everything I say understand?" Mindlessly she nodded, "You will stay back, and the second you see them, you will attack understood?"

"Yes, master."

I was about to walk off, "and another thing release the beast from within that you've been hiding and kill everything in your way," a low growl left from her lips, "good girl."

I looked up to the sky, and on cue, Alec landed in front of me "About time."

I climbed on top of him, "Let's go before they catch us."

We ran through the entire downtown with each stride Alec took, I used my powers to hide our trail with snow and used the wind to spread our scent everywhere. I tapped into Alec's hearing and vision, and I could see a faint streak of light and loud growls, "We need to hurry."

He nodded his head, and released a growl and increased his speed, he leaped over cars, benches and dodged people, before we knew it we were running through the north side of the city dodging trees and jumping over bushes and before we knew it, we were outside the entrance of the apartment where he was staying,"you need to go."

"What if something goes wrong?" Alec asks.

"If anything happens to you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself now leave so I can make my kill without having to worry about you," he nodded his head before taking one last look at me.

"The second I sense something wrong, I will be there," he says to me.

"I know you will now go." he transformed into a white owl and flew off. I held my hand up and bent the clouds to my will to hide him properly. I walked through the doors to be welcomed by another set of doubled glass door; I look at my reflexion, I closed my eyes and reopened them to see they changed from brown to multicolored.

I turned and looked into the camera and made a slow wave before it turned into flames.

I froze the lock and pushed the door in, with each step the security cameras broke into flame, I walked to where the elevator was and clicked the third floor before it closed the housekeeping lady came on, she looked at me and then at the sword on my side, I smiled at her. She stood beside me, and I could tell she was scared.

When the door closed, I stared ahead of me, "lovely weather we're having."

From the corner of my eyes I could see her nodding her head and slowly reaching for her walkie talkie when it was my floor I looked at her, "you saw nothing," she nodded her head.

"I saw nothing," she repeats back to me, dropping her hand to the side.

"Good, have a nice night."

I walked down the hallway and stood at the door 306. I froze all the doors shut in the hall to prevent anyone from getting in the way of my kill. I stretched my hand out to open the door and paused and inhaled and the smell of hazelnut littered the air, "mmm, interesting," I stepped back, "the door is hexed," I whispered to myself, "there must be a weak spot somewhere," I walked past the door and place my finger on a spot, "here," I said before using fire to burn a hole in for me to walk through.

When I entered, the entire room was quiet, it was clean, everything was tidy, and I knew something was wrong because everything was too in place. Within a blink of an eye, arrows flew towards my head, but I was already ready they all stopped with my command of the wind, "mmm child's play," I turned them and sent them flying in every direction, I could hear a small grunt.

"Her mate couldn't be a regular Canadian."

I continued walking to where I heard the grunt coming from, I stopped in midstep when I heard a click," a landmine how unfortunate," I whispered to myself I felt a cooling sensation under my foot, and when I lift my leg, the landmine was frozen over. I entered the bedroom where more arrows came flying to my head, I tilted my head to the side and have them fly past me I bent down to him on his level, "hello nice to finally meet you."

"Jokes on you," he disappeared, and his ashes were all over the floor. The ringing of a blade coming near my ear, and then it stopped, I rose to my feet, I turned around and saw him, standing there frozen in his steps, "how are you controlling me?"

"See, I am one of the descendant of greatness that you have yet to come across until now that is."

"What do you want from me?"

I walked around his room and flipped his mattrass over and found what I was looking for under his bed he had swords, knives, guns, bombs, it was if he was ready for war,"You are a vampire hunter before I was just going to kill you, but I think you will come in handy in the future are you willing to make a deal with the devil?" I asked, turning to look at him with a smile on my face.

"No," the smile on my face fell and replaced with pure darkness.

I controlled every last water molecule in his body and forced him on his knees in front of me, "let's see whats going on in that pretty head of yours," I dived deep into every one of his thoughts and found the one I needed, "you know, and you've mated with her," I bent down to ear level and whispered, "now let's change that."

"Please don't," he begged.

"You see I have special plans for you, and I can't have you distracted with pathetic things like her I need your full attention on everything important like," I ran my finger down the side of his face, "me."

I dug into his mind and got rid of every memory of him and his loved ones. I got rid of all the laughs and joy that he felt and replaced them with anger and hatred when a vampire came into his house and made him watch him killing his entire family, his screams echoed across the room and down the hall, "you will belong to me," I said over his cries, and dug further into his mind and took away his memory of his grandparents taking him in and replaced it with their house burning down and him going into foster care and even the first memory of him meeting Viperina. Instead, I replaced them with memories of Viparina killing streaks.

"Please... I'm begging you." I started to laugh over his screams; I erased everything, their first night together, their first kiss, and them mating, it was all as if it never happened.

I enjoyed his pain and suffering until his screams stopped, and he opened his green eyes, "what do you need from me?"

A smile crawled onto my face as I started to tell him my biddings, "you my love will first leave from this dimension and go to Darmathia," I bent down and whispered the rest of my plans in his ears, "but first I still need you here with me." 

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