Chapter 38- Disobedience

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"Let's play princess and the frog" she grabbed up a stick and pretended it was a wand and placed it on his face "Thou hath be a frog," she said, and soon they started to play.

The knife was practically itching to be used but the poor boy thought that if this was the last time for him to enjoy his time with his best friend he would not let it go to waste.

Until an explosion went off,  Edwards ears  was ringing. He held his right ear before looking down at Athena to see that droplets of blood were dripping from hers. He ripped piece of his clothing almost as if she didn't realize she flinched a little before she relaxes a little.

They both looked up into the once beautiful clear blue sky that was now covered with smoke and ashes lingering in the air.

In at a distance Edward could hear it, the screaming, and the chants coming from a distance. He was told of stories about a witch that was planning her assault on the lands one day. He grabs Athena's arm and tugs her, "Come on Athena we have to get you to safety," even though he knew her demise was near he couldn't help but want to protect her.

Athena tried to keep up with Edward, even though he wasn't running at his full speed, her feet got tired and sore causing her to stop, "Can we just take a break please, I'm too tired to continue running," she walked over to a huge tree and sat down on the biggest root she could find taking in big breaths of air.

She was looking up at the tree taking in everything about it, frowning up at the tree as if she was in deep thoughts, "This is the first tree that was planted and bloomed."

"And you just happened to know this?" She asks.

"My people have been the guardian of the land, now listen time went by it grew bigger encouraging other plant lives, and insects and animals to live and grow, everything in the forest depends on each other, but this tree is the heart of the forest, it is what holds the forest together without this tree the forest would just wither away and die, kinda like how you are to your people," Edward says trying to keep the child's mind at bay, "as a matter of fact my people believe that anyone who touches the tree together lives will be interlocked forever."

A chill went down his spin, he knew what that meant, he knew his pack was in trouble and he also knew that his parents were coming to find him.

A strong scent hit him of something rotting and dying he pulled Athena behind him as trolls began to appear in front of them, "Edward I'm scared" she whispers in his ear.

When the trolls saw him they sniffed him taking in his scent realizing who he was, and also who's scent that lingered on him, "So you're the Alphas son we've been hearing about, I kind of expected to see someone better looking," the troll says as snot drips from his nose.

"As if you're one to talk, now if you excuse me today is my best friend's birthday, and I would like to bring her home in one peace." Edward said while he slowly stepped backwards with Athena following in his step.

"Grog I wonder what she tastes like?" Edward felt Athena grip unto him, hearing her heartbeat increasing.

"Merk I heard they taste like chicken." He looked on the third one. "Turk just one taste please, I promise this time I'll leave the head for you," Athena backs away slowly since as they were so deep in their conversation before they broke off into a fast sprint.

"Turk look our dinner is getting away!" One of the trolls shout.

 Athena trips over a stone causing them to tumble, the throbbing pain shot through her body, she wanted to scream but she had to hold it in.

Even though Edward had gotten hurt, his wound had already start too heal. He lifts Athena bridal style and ran to where large leaves start to come into view. He ran right under them, where almost on cue the leaves knew they were to cocoon them.

''Guys do you smell that?" Merk asked.



Edward starts looking around on himself to see if he was bleeding, just now realizing that Athena's wrist was bleeding from the fall.

"It's blood and it's still warm." Turk said after he dipped his finger in the small droplet and placed it on his tongue and taking in the taste.

Turks hand started to feel around, Edward was busy trying to help stop Athena's ankle from bleeding that he forgot that he left himself vulnerable, when he was snatched from their hiding spot. Athena starts to panic before everything went dark. 

"Please let me eat him first, please, I heard when you put these little doggies in your mouth they just pop, oh please, please, please Turk, just a nibble," Merk says, hopping around begging them.

When Turk was about to have his first bite, his hand holding Edward was set on fire, "you will leave my friend alone," the voice that came out of her small frame was firm, and threatening.

Some how Athena managed to break through the seal that Hekate used to suppress her powers. Turk released Edward, Athena commanded wind and blew him to safety. 

"You come on to my land, into my kingdom and think that you can kill my friend, no I should put an end to this don't you think?" 

Edward joined Athena's side. She commanded the air that was blowing around them, "you want to know what it feels like to be full, let me show you," she strengthened the air pressure around them and forcing air through their nose.

"Athena don't you think they've had enough," they were laying on the ground trying to fight against the air pressure when she increased it forcing them down.

"I'm not done yet," her nose starts to bleed, due to the spell that Hekate placed on Athena was trying to takeover, she tries to push harder, when her legs gave out.

Edward grabs her and scoops her up and starts running to somewhere they can both hide, while she recovers. He decided to hide behind giant leaves, pulling them further in to protect them and feeling his back press up against the tree.

Athena was still unconscious, but unfortunately  Edward had other intentions. 

He pulled out the knife and was about to stab her in the back, when she opened her eyes and looks up at him, "Are we still alive?" She whispers.  

He wanted to obey this mad man command but at the same time fighting to go against his orders, he pulled his hand back and tried to stab her again, he could hear Apollyons voice screaming at him, "Do it, do it now!" He dropped the knife and let out a trembling breath, he looked at Athena who was practically trembling in fear of the trolls not even realizing that he was the real danger that she should have been afraid of.

Turk pulled back some of the leaves that they were hiding behind. Grog let out a frustrated sigh and said, "Come lets get back to his fathers pack house so we can finally eat some food, even though I don't like mongrel meat but I guess they'll do for now."

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