Chapter 1- Newcomer

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Athena POV...

Burning, that's all I felt I wanted it to stop I want it to swallow me up alive into the darkness, but I knew it wouldn't happen that easily, the chanting started to get louder as a burning sensation started pounding in my ear, I felt warm liquid running from both my ears, as a thick red layer started to cloud my vision, as tears started to flow out of my eyes, soon the clear salty liquid became red.

My skin was ripping open as more blood began to rush out of my body, a scream ripped from my chest as the pain rushed to my head, making me arch my back and bend my head downwards to the white marble altar.

The louder the cloaked men chanted the more my skin began to burn and peel off. I wished this was a dream but the pain that flowed through my body kept bringing me back to reality. I knew how it felt to have a limb broken, but this pain felt like I was thrown into the fire, and hot oil was being poured on my open flesh.

But I couldn't move, my hands felt like I was strapped down, but there was nothing there to restrain me, the trees started to set ablaze but they weren't burning. Another scream rippled from my chest, my heart was running in overdrive, as more blood started pouring out of my nose, running towards the circle that was created around my alter.

But throughout all of that pain, I heard his voice, I could hear the distress with every word he said. He sounded like he would kill anything that stepped in his way, soon the screaming settle as I looked through the tears and blood that was running out my eyes, to see his face.

"Sire we found this cup lying near here," one of the guards said. Marcus inhaled the scent of the cup when he snaps his eyes open as anger consumed him.

"That's her scent, it means whoever took her, should be close by," Michael was standing beside him as he took in everything that the guard was saying.

He looked into my eyes with his blue orbs and I could see everything flashing in his eyes but one thing that stood out the most was fear, but then he looked away and turned towards his men, "Spread out and continue your search for her, do anything that you have to do to save her, I don't care about what measures you have to take, she's somewhere around here, find her."

I watch as the guards dispersed, leaving me there helpless, "we will find her man, just relax, maybe she just ran away like the last time, she'll come back."

"This isn't like the last time, I can feel her, I just don't know where to look," he looks up and our eyes connect again. I could feel the guilt of me neglecting our bond, as it dawned on me that I may never see him again.

"Marcus!" I screamed, but neither did he nor Michael answered, they didn't flinch, they turned their back to me and used their vampiric speed and left me alone and afraid.

The man that had all the skull tattoos on his head blocked my view, I stared into his white lifeless eyes, "We can see and hear them, but they can't see nor hear us," his voice was deep and filled with pure darkness, he took out his dagger and stabbed me in the chest, my eyes rolled to the back of my head into darkness.

3 months earlier...

"How are you feeling?" Brittney asks.

"Brittney you've been asking me this all morning, I'm doing fine."

"You've been quiet since you've regained your health."

"I know."

She released a sigh, "sucks that the day you decided to come back is the day we have combat training."

"Good I have been meaning to get a lot out of my system."

"Today we have a newcomer, you all may know him, his name is Joshua he is the Alpha's cousin and seeing as today is RKO day I feel that it is only fair that the two newcomers should fight, Athena please would you like to come to the floor?"

I took off my necklace and hand it over to Brittney, and made my way over to the mat, " Mrs Abasi you are obviously mistaken I will not put my hand on that girl."

"Well thankfully I am a woman, now come on little boy we don't have all day, let's get this over and done with," I replied.

"No, I won't fight you."

"Awe the little big bad puppy is afraid I'm going to beat him?"

A growl ripped from his chest, a guy beside him touched his shoulder and whispered in his ears, I watched as he rose to his feet, "I'm going to put you in your place."

"Trust me pup many have tried and many have failed."

Using his speed he tried to run into me, I moved aside and watched him tumble to his knees, "good you know your place in the sight of royalty," I was trying to anger him, making him lose his focus.

I watched as he turns his head to his friend, it looked like they were communicating through their link, he relaxed, I arched my brow and watched as his demeanour changed to a calm one, "I know what you are doing and it won't work."

"Whatever you say."

We started to walk around in circles waiting for which one of us would make the first move, using his werewolf speed he started to fire punches in every direction, I dodged every one before kneeing him in the stomach knocking the air out of him, he lost his balance, when he had an open I stroked for his head, he grabbed my leg and flung me to the ground.

I rolled to my side when he was sending a fist to my face, I knocked his leg from under him, I could tell that he was becoming angry, we started circling each other, "does it bother you that a woman is kicking your ass?" He gritted his teeth, "I promise you that I'm going very easy on you." I directed for him to come towards me, "come on puppy here's your chance."

This time I ran towards him, I gave him an opening which he took willingly, I grabbed onto his right hand and pinned it to his back before tackling him to the ground and wrapped my legs around his neck, "tap out," I yank onto his hand and wrap my legs around his neck, "submit!" I yelled I could feel him fading away as my legs tighten, "tap out now!"

I felt his hand tapping on my leg, I released him and rose to my feet, everyone was staring at me, and the familiar feeling of feeling like an outsider sneaked back, I grabbed my stuff from Brittney before running through the door.

I could feel tears running down my eyes as what has happened in this year flash through my head. In all truth and reality, I was not fine, nightmares have plagued me of allowing a friend to die in my arms and now the birth of my powers and my new found responsibilities.

I felt the caress of strong arms wrapped around me and pulling me in with a warm embrace, but they weren't the ones I was longing to feel, they were foreign I opened my eyes to see who it was and realized that he was unfamiliar, "who are you I ask?"

"Weird I should be the one to ask you that question, you ran into my arms."

"Touche," I whipped away my tears, "my name is Athena, and you."

"My name is Blake," he says before pulling me back into his arms.

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