Chapter 5- Adrenaline

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I was sitting in class, and since this morning I have been feeling jittery, and for the strangest reason my head has been throbbing, it felt as if head weighed a ton. I looked out the window when the wind blew my hair flipping it over my shoulder, standing in a brown cloak there was a man in the woods that I had never seen him before yet had a sense of familiarity. I close my eyes, and then the person was gone, "Athena is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'm hallucinating." 

I massaged the temples on my head when the bell rang. I packed my stuff up and headed out of the class. I went to my locker and switched my thing out for my next level.

"Hey, how are you?" Brittney asks as she joins my side, today she seemed more relaxed than last night.

"I'm fine."

"Just fine, you seem as if you were in a hurry to get out."

"Uh no not really, I just have a lot on my mind as of late."

"Is it that date that we have tonight that's on your mind?"

I turned to see that Blake was standing behind me, "actually it is," I said lying through my teeth.

"I know I've been M.I.A for quite some time, but I don't want you to feel like I lost any interest in you which is far from it."

It was at that same moment that Marcus decided to walk past. I knew he heard everything as he looks at me, his facial features harden as he looks away.

"I know you haven't," I said looking doing at my feet.

"By the way, I'd like for you to meet my cousin Jasmine," she held her hand out towards me, which I took reluctantly.

She gives me a stern look before saying, "I heard you beat up my twin brother, usually I'd be mad, but honestly I'm impressed hopefully you can teach me a thing or two."

I chuckled and looked down at my feet, "trust me those moves were mediocre really."

"You think you would be able to take him in his wolf form?"

"Um I doubt it but who knows adrenaline is a weird thing."

She was about to say something when she froze, "are you okay?" I wave my hand in their face, but nothing not even a sign of life, "maybe this is just my head playing tricks with me," I said as I turned to Brittney. I looked around to see that everyone had stopped moving and paused. 

The lights in the ceiling started to flicker, and I could hear, "Athena," being whispered down the hall, I moved my stuff around and grabbed for my doubled sword that I hid in my locker and placed my belongs in my locker and slammed it shut. 

I followed the voice calling my name down the hall and through the exit, where I saw the cloaked person. He stood still as if he too was stuck in time until he spun around, "it is time for you to face your nightmares," it was the voice of a man, his voice was stern yet comforting, and yet somewhat familiar.

"What are you talking about?" I tilted my head in utmost confusion as I stared at him. He was tall; his hair was thick and curly; it resembled cotton except much more thicker. His jawline was round, his nose was wide, and his lip held the perfect natural plump to them. His physique towered mine making me seem tiny in his presence. But even then I knew I could take him down. 

"You were the one who brought me here; you were the one who halted time because you want help and you will receive it, and you cannot use your powers to get out this one."

He vanished, and so did my swords, I was in the girl's bathroom, "it was all in my head that's all, it wasn't real, none of it." I washed my face and looked up to see a reflection of myself, "see it was all in my head." 

I rotated my neck and saw Gabe looking back at me, "no, this is not real this is all in my head."

"As usual you refuse to accept what is in front of you, and finally I got a chance to repay you for killing me," he vanished.

I stepped into the hallway where it was not empty and not one person in sight, and the air was knocked out of me causing me to crumble to the ground for the first time I was helpless. I jumped to my feet and ran and went to the gym.

"Come out; come out wherever you are."

The doors to the gym open up I tried finding the weapons when an arrow flew past my head, "Anwer me this Athena, did you think that I was going to allow you to live your life without terrorizing you a little?"

"Well chicken legs I was kinda hoping you would," I responded.

"I don't get you even at the moment when you are about to be killed you still have a quick tongue."

"Because I'm Athena, why don't you drop those bow and arrow and fight me hand-to-hand."

"I don't think so," he sends another arrow after me I tried moving out of the way, but unfortunately it grazed my skin causing me to hiss. 

I ran towards the cafeteria hoping to find something to my advantage the arrow grazed my face, "of all places," I whispered to myself, "I'm tired of this." Turning to him I grab a large spatula and a spoon, in fast motion with every arrow he shot I struck them to the ground until he was in front of him, "is that all that you got?"

"Since as you've asked no," my limbs froze as a sharp pain ran through my body causing my legs to weaken. 

"I never hated you," I whispered under my breath, I could feel the blood leaving my body, "you were ignorant, you were hard t... t... to tolerate but I made an exception for you because I knew you were special... I... I... I knew you were worth it, and when you died t... t... to save me it was the most selfless act anyone has ever done for me, and for that, I am ever grateful to have met you." Blood was dripping down my hand, I raised my hand towards and gave him a light slap across his cheek, "despite our given situation I will forever believe that your life, your soul was robbed from you and you did not deserve that."

"Well given our current situation you should have stayed on earth," He lowered himself to my ear level before pulling the knife out of me, "any last words?"

"I'm sorry," I replied, "if I had known that me coming was going to get you killed. I would never have come but you dying was never my fault because if I didn't come to Darmathia everyone would have been slaughtered," he plunged the knife into my major organ before pulling it back out stood up and left me there. I sat there for what seemed like hours. I allowed the darkness to take over as I released my last breath of air.

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