Chapter 32 -The Blood Ceremony

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Athena POV...

Fighting to open my eyes to see my surroundings,  but everything was blurry a wave of nausea hit me they brought me out of the cabin, "Alec can you hear me?"

"I am here, I feel you fading."

"I don't think I can fight to stay alive any longer whatever they're doing is taking a toll on my body, they're draining me of all my blood."

"I can feel this and the second I get there I'm gonna make them all pay," he snapped in my head.

"I expect nothing less, Alec."

Bl... Blake?" I ask when he came into my view.

He lifts his hand stopping the cloaked men who were carrying me to the pillars, "yes?"

"I'm sorry for what my mate has done, but what does this have anything to do with me?" Trying to convince him to release me.

A smile appeared on his face, he looked demented, sick, and he didn't look like the guy I met he just looks as if he was... Possessed "I'm going to make you mine," he said, as he grabbed my face in his hand.

"The Ceremony is about to begin Alpha," His Beta said to him.

"Blake who told you about this ceremony?"

A smirk appeared on his face, "A friend of mine that you might have come across."

"Say his name Blake," I spat.

He placed his lips against my ear, the wet moist air filled my ears causing me to tremble, "Apollyon," his name slipped out of his mouth.

"Nothing good will come of this, even if everything goes as planned there is always a catch."

He looked me in my eyes, "well that's a price I will have to pay."

"You won't get away with this!"

I could see a mixture of different emotions flashing through his eyes, but as soon as it appeared he covered it up with his demeanor. He switched to his Alpha mode giving away nothing that he was feeling, "That's why I am doing this because I love you and that monster doesn't deserve you," he said.

"This isn't love you nincompoop it's an obsession!" I shouted after him, I hacked up all the mucus that was behind my throat and spit in his face.

He grabbed me in my face as his claws prickled my skin. He slapped me across the face causing spit and blood to fly out my mouth, I snapped my head over to him and looked at him with as much hatred I could muster up, "Bitches have hit me harder, I swear when I get out of this you're going to regret doing that."

A smile crawled on his lips, "Funny because when you are out, you'll be all mine," I was using too much of my energy when I should be thinking of a way to get out of this.

The cloaked men placed me on the cold marble pillars, his Beta came over and placed my legs in their positions, because of my blood loss moving my legs were a task, "I know you and I did not see eye to eye when we first met, but I do not agree with this and truly I am sorry," he said whispering to me.

"Then why not fight him?" I ask.

"Because he is my Alpha even if I do not agree with him, when he tells me to jump I ask how high, as a princess, I believe you understand that," he said trying to avoid eye contact with me, he walked away from me and through the circle of men.

The cloaked men who formed the circle removed the hood from their heads revealing their black tattooed skulls all over their heads, their eyes were white and their lips were dark as midnight. I watched as Blake lay on the opposite pillar that was next to mine.

"I do not want this and I promise I will make you pay for this," my tone was low, though I lacked the energy I know my threat was clear.

He smirked at me, "I'm pretty sure we already had a deal on that but if it makes you feel better I'll even put my head and my pack on a platter for you, but that won't matter because you will be mine."

"We will see," I said gritting my teeth as I broke my gaze with him.

A man in a brown cloak that I never saw before appeared through the circle of men and started talking, "For decades this ceremony was performed to show dominance, to show how powerful a ruler is. Tonight the Alpha of the Harmony pack has taken upon himself to show his dominance to take what once belonged to the Prince of Vampires." 

He outstretches his hands and looks at the men who formed the circle around both of us, "come, my brothers, let us chant and begin the Blood ceremony where we draw energy from the moon, combining their blood to be mates!" The mysterious guy in the brown cloak commanded in a deep voice as it echoed across the woods. They all started to chant at the same time, repeatedly.

The man that was in the brown cloak that was commanding everyone walked over to where Blake was and took out a dagger and sliced from Blake's shoulder down to the palm of his hand. Blood started to rush from his body as it flowed down the ground, but it wasn't flowing like blood normally would instead of just remaining in one place instead it flowed and formed a circle around the alter that he was laying on.

He screamed out in agony when the cloaked man stabbed him in the middle of his chest down to his stomach and that's when it started. Burning, that's all I felt I wanted it to stop I want it to swallow me up alive into the darkness, but I knew it wouldn't happen that easily. The chanting started to get louder as a burning sensation started pounding in my ear. I felt warm liquid running from both my ears, as a thick red layer started to cloud my vision, as tears started to flow out of my eyes, soon the clear salty liquid became red.

My skin was ripping open as more blood began to rush out of my body. A scream ripped from my chest as the pain rushed to my head, making me arch my back and bend my head downwards to the white marbled alter.

The louder, the cloaked men chanted my skin began to burn and peel off falling off bits by bits. I wanted to jump off of the alter and curve up into a ball because this level of pain was new to me. I knew how it felt to have a limb broken, but this pain felt like I was thrown in fire and hot oil was being poured on me causing my skin to bubble up. The bucket of blood was placed beside my altar, the blood from the bucket started to flow out and started to circle the alter I was on.

I couldn't move my limbs. My hands felt like I was strapped down, but there was nothing there to restrain me the trees started to set ablaze but they weren't burning. Another scream ripped from my chest, my heart was running in overdrive, as more blood started pouring out of my nose, running towards the circle that was created around my alter.

But throughout all of that pain, I heard his voice, I could hear the distress with every word he said. He sounded like he would kill anything that stepped in his way, soon the screaming settle as I looked through the tears and blood that was running out my eyes, to see his face.

"Sire we found this cup lying near here," one of the guards said.

"That means that they were here earlier," Michael was standing beside him as he took in everything that the guard was saying.

He looked into my eyes with his blue orbs and I could see everything flash in his eyes but one thing that stood out the most was fear, but then he looked away towards his men, "Spread out and continue your search for her do anything that you have to, to save her I don't care about what measures you have to take, she's somewhere around here."

"Marcus!" I screamed, but neither did he nor Michael answered, they didn't flinch, it was as if they couldn't hear me, they turned their backs to me and used their vampiric speed and left me, helpless and alone.

The man in the brown cloaked removed his hood revealing his skull tattoos on his head, he blocked my view. I stared into his white lifeless eyes, "We can see and hear them, but they can't see nor hear us," his voice was deep and filled with superiority. He took out his dagger and stabbed me in the palm of my hand making the pain triple as my eyes rolled to the back of my head into the darkness.




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