Chapter 33 - Friend or Foe

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Brittney POV...

"Why does the history of this ceremony even matters?!" Marcus snaps at me.

"Because in order for you to beat this you need to understand the symbolism, first they will start their chanting, then they will offer a sacrifice which is blood, once this starts you cannot touch them. Their body is now synced with the sorcerer and if one of them is killed we risk losing a piece of Athena. At first it was about power but this group of people they take power from the moon and sun god, to complete the mate bond."

"What do you mean by mate bond, she is mine!" He yelled at me, "we don't even know where she is!"

"Relax Marcus you ask me for answers and you're getting them," I strapped on my combat boots, "we still have time, I could feel his anger radiate through the phone, "when they have made the blood sacrifice its whether the moon and sun god will_"

A sharp pain overtook my body I looked around and I was no longer in my room but now I was in the woods, "Brittney?!" I could hear Marcus repeatedly call my name. The phone slipped out of my hand and shattered on the floor but I didn't care about any of that, beside me stood Alechimus, in darkness, then fire starts to spark.

What I was now seeing wasn't like before I wasn't just there I was now seeing everything through Athena's eyes, at first the image wasn't clear but with each time she blinked it cleared up my vision allowing me to see things vivid, one minute I was being carried out of the cabin then the next I was being placed on the alter.

Looking over Blake was lying there lifeless, bleeding out, holding my head over to see that there was a circle surrounding both of the pillars and the next second I blinked I was being stabbed, but it wasn't the cloaked man that stood over me that caught my attention it was Marcus standing there with his men. I was transported again but instead this time I was standing in the middle of the woods when the bracelet on my wrist lit up and men in cloaked appeared before I was zapped back to reality.

A hand touched my shoulder, "you wouldn't believe what I have seen," I said, when I turned around a smile dropped on my face, "Elisi, what are you doing here?" I looked between my grandparents.

"Your Enisi and I have sensed a difference in you and we believe it is time for you to join your mother."

A low growl ripped from my lips, "no," I was about to walk away.

"It's time for you to go see your fathers side of the family," she was selecting each word carefully.

"For what?!" A low growl slip from my lips, "My father, was a simpleton who worked under the royal family and when he found out that our mother was pregnant he took off because he couldn't afford to subject himself to the life of being taunted as the mutt of the rut, now excuse me I am going to save my friend."

"Brittney, please," agiduda placed a hand on my on my elisi's shoulder to try and ease her.

"IT WAS A..." She instantly caught herself and started to whisper, "it was a lie we told to protect you we weren't expecting for you to exhibit any of this," she signals towards me, "we thought it would have been in your best interest to be among your kind and under our supervision we knew what that came with but your temperament is not of my blood but of his."

"Under you supervision," I snapped, "I was a slave, I was breed to clean their toilets, to make their bed, cook and sometimes feed them, I. WILL. NOT. SEE. THEM," I looked between them and dared them to stop me.

"Please Brittney, just think about-" I cut off my agiduda mid sentence.

"Think about what?! The hardship they made us endure?" I look between them both. "for you loving my elisi they turned you into a vampire as a sentence to serve under the royal family and you dare to look me in my face," I snapped at him.

"If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be able to wonder these halls free, and with status might I add and no longer as commoners, slaves. If it wasn't for Athena's help we'd still be suffering so forgive me if I choose a friend over blood, though these days it seems like water is thicker than blood, oh and also thank you for attending my beheading," I bowed my head, "now excuse me while I return the same favour to my friend."

Grabbing the book and putting it in my backpack, "Come on let's go," I hopped on Alechimus' back and leaped off of the balcony.

"We do not have much time I can feel her fading," Alec says.

Looking up at the moon, "The Blood Ceremony isn't completed yet, though she may be fading we might still have enough time to save her before the ceremony is completed."

"And what if it's too late?" We both took a glimpse up at the moon.

"Hopefully we will be right on time," He runs faster, dodging every tree that comes in our view when he came to a stop, "Do you sense that as well?" He asks.

"We're being followed," a low growl left my lips, "I can smell you, come out before I come and get you myself," stepping from behind the tree, I had once seen the silhouette of their figure but now they were standing in front of me.

Slowly my claws started to appear, "tell me why I shouldn't tear you limb from limb."

"Because though you may have knowledge of where she is I know how to save her," I gritted my teeth, time was of the essence but if the ceremony was completed we wouldn't know what to do.

"Don't debate with him, kill him," Alec bared his teeth ready for the kill.

"Do we have much of a choice, we need answers to save her, even if we have to trust an enemy," slowly I settled on my feet, ready to leap if he made any sudden movement.

"One false move and I will end you, do you understand?" He nodded his head, "now speak."

"Only if you deliver this vision to her," he held out his hand, "you can trust me."

I looked over at Alechimus, "do not do it, he has betrayed Athena before, why wouldn't he do it a second time."

"How do I know this isn't a trick?" I ask.

He inhaled deeply, "sometimes being a foe, isn't a choice but a form of survival especially when you're tied up in chains not physical ones but ones that are more... mental," the look he gave was one I knew.

He was about to retract his arm when I reached out to grab it. I took in a gasp of air when visions of the past flew across my eyes. I stared at everything in awe, as memories of the past flew by. I felt overwhelmed as everything played out in front of me.

He pulled away, "I understand, I will deliver your message," he nodded his head and then whispered in my ear, "thank you for this," he was about to leave, "if anything goes south, one error in whatever you have told me though you and I share something in common. I will hunt you down like the wild animal you are and I can assure you that being enslaved will be the least of you worries. I will do you the honour of breaking those mental chains permanently, it was good to finally meet you," he nodded his.

"As am I," he said before vanishing.

"Do you trust him?" Alechimus asks me.

"No, but I fear this is the only choice I have."

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