Chapter 27- Rebirth

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"Well, it's a funny story actually because of the type of magic she was practicing you always have to give something to get something, which was how she made your father fall in love, the beauty of a love potion." She turned and smiled at me, "hold my hand lets see how good those powers your mama passed down to you are," she outstretched her hand.

"How do you know this?"

"Because your mother would never allow a moment like that without getting a drop of his powers before passing, we were bonded by blood, after all, now touch me lets take his powers for a test run."

I grabbed onto her hand and gasped.


I looked around our surroundings, "beautiful isn't it?" Hekate says.

"Yes," we were standing in the middle of a rose farm.

"I always come to this memory to remind myself that even in dark times beauty still exists," there were Rose's in every color that you could think of, and it extended for miles. The sweet nectar filled the air I could hear a carriage coming towards us. 

"Halt, what are you doing on royal lands," I stopped thinking they were talking to us when I saw a familiar red-cloaked woman cradling a sleepy baby I walked around the carriage and saw mother dearest opened the door.

"Leave them," when her eyes connected with the baby her eyes opened wide, "please come in."

The cloaked woman removed her hood revealing Hekate, "you look the same how?"

"Honey we age like fine wine," she said snickering.

I watched as Hekate rose to her feet and held me tightly as if she loosened her grip I would disappear, "I was so scared that they would discover who you were," we both entered the carriage behind Hekate, "you were so little, fragile and you wouldn't make one sound."

We sat across from them and watched mother stare at Hekate cradling a baby me, "How old?"

Mother looked  like she was about ready to give birth,"Two weeks now," Hekate said clinging onto me.

"Are you its mother?" 'Did she just?' I thought to myself 

"She is my niece, my sister died giving birth to her, then shortly after my village got raided by pirates, she and I have just been trying to survive."

She started to rub her belly, she seemed as if she was due any second, "how would you like for me to change your life?" She asks.

"How so?"

She looked at Hekate's neck and saw something, she started to smirk, "You're a witch, you have your mark," Hekate adjusted herself.

"So is it one too?" 'Yup she definitely called me it.'

"Unfortunately no, her mother was born without powers, and so was she."

"Why are you lying to her?" I ask.

"Because her people hated the Gifted, Helixians were against the merge of Gifted living together in harmony they would have killed us in that very moment, sometimes lying is better than honesty." 

"Mmm, well given my predicament it'll do for me," Mother says.

"What is its name?"

"Her name is Athena," Hekate responded looking down at me.

"Mmm, Athena, the name of a peasant."

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