Chapter 12 - A Promise = A curse

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Athena POV...

I was about to exit out of my class, "Athena could you please stay back for a second?" my math teacher was staring me down.

"Yes sir, you have yet to have given me an answer."

"Haven't answered you about what?"

"The math club."

"Oh yeah... no."

I was about to walk out, "Athena, listen I get it, but its a great opportunity, plus you'll be able to interact with people who are humans," for some strange reason that caught my attention.

"What do you mean?"

"We go into the main city with humans and compete against them, it's almost like an experiment to see how much their knowledge have developed."

I thought about it for a second and all I could think about how much I enjoyed the lights of the city, "sure."

"Really?" I nodded my head, "could you come by to meet the team tonight?"

"I... uh can't, I have a ball that I have to go to."

"I understand well tomorrow we will be practicing and doing a uniform fitting you should come by then." I nodded my head and walked through the door when someone walked into me.

 "Oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going I..," she paused and looked at me, "you're Athena right?"

"I am why?"

"I'm Jasmine, Blake's cousin, I've heard a lot about you."

"Oh really?"

I felt an arm wrapped around my waist, "I see you've met my little annoying cousin."

"I have."

Someone clearing their throat brought me back to reality to what today was about, I released a sigh, "Time to face the music, are we still on for tomorrow night?" I asked he ran his finger across my face,

"Of course why wouldn't we." He kissed my forehead, "have fun just not too much," he said whispering in my ears. 

"Of course why would I."

"Princess Athena, we have to go now."

I ran my hand across Blake's face, "bye," I walked away from him, we got to the jeep when my head started to throb, "is everything okay?" I looked up to the sky and say Alechimus, "yes everything is fine."


I was getting my makeup done when the door to my room slammed open, "how dare you not invite me to your ball?!"

The  guards were about to take her when I told them not to, "you allowed this peasant to be at your side but not me, how dare you?!"

Her attention turned to Brittney who's hair was being done, Alechimus came to my side, "Should I kill her now, or leave her for later."

"No this isn't our fight right now."

"You allowed this worthless thing to come to the ball but not me."

On cue, Brittney and I stood up, Sebastian and his crew stood aside, "what did you just say?" Brittney asks.

Amber walked over to where Brittney stood, and I knew she was angry, "you heard me, you obviously don't know this, but everyone was excited to see you finally getting the death sentence that you deserved we all wanted you to be killed because what's the point of a useless half breed," before I could even blink Brittney grabbed her by the face and flung her into the hall breaking down the wall, a low growl erupted from her chest Brittney walked towards her and bent down to his level.

"I can promise you the next time you talk to me like that, I'm going to rip your face off and shove it up your cute perky butt."

I saw Micheal standing watching in the hallway with Marcus, looking shocked, I saw look cross Brittney's face, a look that was too familiar, a look that I once had, she grabbed her around her neck "don't."

"Why do you always stop me when I deserve revenge?" The guards were approaching Brittney to take her away I looked over to where Marcus and Micheal stood, they nodded their heads and signaled the guards to leave. 

"Because your hands have yet to be tainted, and once you do this, you cannot go back, your innocence will be gone you can't get it back, today I will be announcing you as my advisor leave the dirty work to me, I will handle her in due time."  

"Then why are the same men who abused me still alive?" My teeth gritted.

"Time, Brittney, in due time," I touched her face, "now let her go," we held eye contact with each other she looked like she was fighting with an internal thought.

"Only because you promised again, and make sure its the most painful death."

"Most painful you could ever think off, look just to make it even more believable," I grabbed a piece of glass and pricked my finger, "give me yours," I pricked her finger and clasped our hands together, the wind around us started to blow,"see we're bound together, and I promise you I will kill them all," I whispered under my breath. 

She released Amber before getting up and walking back into my room. Alec came to my side, I whispered to Amber, "you are going to pack your things and leave this kingdom and never show your face again, do I make myself clear?"

"Or what?" Amber snaps at me.

"Or else I'm going to let her kill you, because you deserve nothing less than that," she gritted her teeth before picking up herself, she looked at Marcus for help, but all she got in return is a hardened stare and a nod of the head.

"Please Marcus don't do this to me what about all we've been through?"

"You mean the threesome's yeah they were great, tacky and distasteful but great, thank you for that experience I appreciate it."

"I promise you I will get my revenge on you all, especially you Athena."

"I would like to see you try."

We watched as she hopped out the hallway, "threesome's huh? You were living it up."

"Uh yeah before I met you of course, I'm ready to be with you Athena, I've been ready."

"He does have a point Athena he is your mate, and that's the reason you've been so weak you need to be with him, you've already started the bond you both need to finish it."

"I... I uh...," how do I say the reason why I've been doing this is to protect him and his people from harm's way? "Sounds like a you problem to me."

"Athena, just let me prove you wrong tonight, that's all I need just give me tonight, I deserve this."

It was almost on cue my head starts to hurt, he's my other half and to hear and feel his pain was hurting me, "okay, we will have the night."

And just like that my headache it was gone.

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