Chapter 4- The Desires of Man

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Athena POV...

The nightmares kept getting worst, as the days progressed, training Brittney became my main focus. though it has been two weeks she's been catching on fast, I could tell that she was getting frustrated that I was only teaching her the basics.  

"What is it?" I ask.

"I want to know how to kill, " she says. 

"Um... Blake and I have been getting closer," I said trying to change the topic.

"Athena," she snaps at me.

I sighed and turned to her, "why would you want to do that?" I ask.

"I want to make the people who tortured me suffer the way I did," she says.

"My duty is to teach you, whatever you do with those lessons are up to you."

"I know you wouldn't understand, Athena I watch them as they stare on me, they mocked my cries, and you know the saddest part I have to walk past them every morning to come to your room, I fear for my life. Athena, what would you do if you were in my position?"

"You're pure do not succumb to this anger it will ruin you, "I said refusing to answer the question.

"Look at me, what if you could go back in time to save Edward from Apollyon wouldn't you?" My face gave away the answer, "then you're a hypocrite when you're the one that doesn't even sleep anymore. After killing millions avenging the death of a person you've known for a few days!" I watch as she began to cry, "but me a person who has been on your side since day one you refuse to avenge, why?!"

"Fine, grab a sword, and Brittney make sure you don't hesitate."

I grabbed the bow and arrow and formed the staircase for us to exit I peeped up and looked around, "let's go," I sealed off our hideout, "you will listen to my commands and make sure you stick to the shadows you are still new, do not make any mistakes."

I looked up to see Alec "are you sure that you want to do this?" 

"I don't want to, but if it will bring her peace I suppose I will."

"Then I will  be your ears, be careful,  do not be afraid to use the elements it will save you."

I walked through the lower level of the kingdom towards the castle I checked the clock in the centre of the kingdom it was exactly midnight, the next switch for the guards will be in thirty minutes. We stood at the front of the castle in the shadows I inhaled deeply and exhaled creating a thick layer of fog.

"Stay close to me, the fog will follow us until we are inside the castle do not pull for your sword I will clear the path for us."

 I used earth and made the guards sink and commanded the roots to wrap around their mouths, "there is a group of guards coming to your right," I sent a gust of wind causing them to fly over the gates I stomped my feet causing the earth to open up and swallow them.

"You know we could have just walked in," Brittney whispered to me.

"What fun would that be?" I whispered, "besides everyone thinks that we're in the castle and when they ring the bell for an intruder we'll have an alibi."

Near my balcony was a tree, I climbed up on the tree with Brittney behind me. I placed my hand on the branch where it began to grow towards the balcony, "Brittney when we walked through those doors we cannot turn back."

"I know."

"I can make them pay the right way, I will make them suffer, but the second your hands get tainted with blood that's it," I whispered.

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