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Season 3

Ezra Bridger : Age 17

Kanan Jarrus : Age 23

No ones POV

Ezra stood by the edge of the cliff, watching the starry night sky in awe and smiled as the slight breeze pushed him back slightly. He sighed a long and deep breath, as though it has been held in for years.

He and Kanan are now on better terms, not where they were before Malachore, but they were inching towards that area again, Ezra was able to hug him, sleep with him, kiss him again without feeling terribly about what occurred on the dreadful planet.

Kanan smiled, sensing his padawan by the edge and walked next to him. "This scene is familiar." He smiled softly.

Ezra looked over at Kanan and nods a little. "Except this time its on better terms." He chuckled, hesitantly reaching for his lovers hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, smiling.

Kanan returned the gesture and squeezed his lovers hand. "Way better terms." He said in almost a whisper and sighed, letting his shoulders relax.

"Hey Kanan?" The younger jedi looked up at his lover.

"Hm?" Kanan looked down at his lover. "What's wrong?"

"Why did you and Hera come back to save me?" He frowned. "I botched the mission, I disobeyed orders, lost the Phantom..why come back for me?" He looked down, letting his lovers hand go.

Kanan frowned. "Honey.." He sighed and wrapped his arm around Ezras shoulders and pulled him close into a hug, rubbing small circles on his back and frowned. "We all make mistakes, we're human..thats what we do. But that doesn't mean we're just gonna let you go and die, we're family, and whether you like it or not, you're apart of this family.." He squeezed Ezra and sighed. "You will always be my number one priority..I will never ever leave you." He kissed the crown of his lovers head and smiled. "Never.." He sighed and pulled him closer. "You're just that lovable." He laughs, poking at his sides.

Ezra laughs a little and smiled up at Kanan. "Thank you.." He whispered, removing Kanans mask and smiled when his lover opened his white eyes. Ezra kissed Kanans cheek and smiled. "How about a game of hide and seek? If you can find me in 10 minutes without using the force to find my signature, then you and I can.." He trailed his finger down Kanans chest. "We can go to that little spring we've been wanting to go to, where you can rock my world.." He kissed behind Kanans ear and smiled, his lover shuddering in response to the affection.

Kanan smirked. "You have one minute to hide." He started counting.

Ezra laughs and ran, holding onto Kanans mask and ran over to Zeb who was placing his finished report on the crate. "Zeb." He ran over. "Where can I hide without Kanan finding me?"

Zeb laughs. "You would need to learn to fly.." He chuckled.

Ezra looked up and smiled. "Zeb you genius!" He looked up at the plant-like structure made of rock that was covering the base and used the force to jump to a middle branch, then force jumped one more time to the very top. He sighed and sat down, observing the beautiful starry night sky.

Zeb chuckled. "Show off." He went to his cabin to get some rest.

Ezra smiled and continued observing the starry night sky. "I need to come up here more, I think this is a wonderful spot to be at.."

Kanan thinks, only using the force to "see" where he was going and "see" who was around him without using their force signatures and continued looking around. "Oh Ezra, where are you?" He chuckled to himself and then looked up at the tall plant-like structure and smiled. "So unpredictable, just not unpredictable enough for me." He smirked and force jumped onto the first layer and smiled, looking for him. "Maybe the next level?" He force jumped up and looked around. "Hmm..next one?" He force jumped up the next level and frowned. "One last level." He jumped up and smiled. "Found you!"

Ezra chuckled. "Yeah, after 12 minutes." He held up the timer, looking at the sky. "It is so peaceful up here, we should come up here more.."

Kanan sat down beside him, wrapping his arm around Ezras side and smiled. "How about we just stay up here for the night? Save the springs for another day?"

Ezra nods, snuggling close. "I think that's a wonderful idea."

He who has a why to live for can bear almost any hour.

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