Kanezra Week day 3 - Holiday/Wild/Lucky

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Kanan : age 32
Ezra : age 26

Season 4

No ones POV

Ezra looked around the ghosts common room, which looked as though a leprechaun had thrown up all over the place. "What in galaxy's name is going on?!" He observed the green and gold filled room.

Hera walked in, wearing her usual uniform, but was wearing green goggles instead of her regular ones. "It's St. Patrick's day! We're having a party tonight! We need your help setting up." She walked to the crate next to her and pulled out an overflowing box filled with decorations labeled as 'Decor for patty's Day' in Sabines handwriting.

"Umm.." he was left speechless as Hera placed the box into his possession and smiled. "Kanan will be outside decorating, go help, he's almost done, but once finished please start with food!! Thank you!" She left to help Sabine with the party supplies.

"Ookaay." He looked at the box and shrugged. "Might as well join in..this gives Kanan and i some alone time as well.." he walked outside and looked up as Kanan was setting up streamers with the force. "Looking good." He smirked.

"Thank you, I worked on this for a while. Streamers, the tent. It looks fabulous!" He looked at Ezra who was staring at him. He blushed. "Why are you staring at me?"

Ezra set the box down and chuckled. "I was talking about you.." he said softly, lustfully. He walked up to Kanan and smirked. "Who knows..maybe you might get lucky tonight.." he gave a simple lick to kanans ear, whispering softly.

Kanan shivered from his spine. "Oh Ezra.." he growled and pulled him close, kissing his neck, going downward. His hand exploring the lower regions of the males body. "Oo.."

A loud snort was heard from behind the couple. "Excuse me, could you not be looking for some gold in my brothers pants?" Sabine crossed her arms. "It's not that kinda treasure we're talking about for today Kanan. You two have got to get a room." She laughs.

Ezra blushed and hid his face into kanans neck who just held him close.

Kanan blushed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry..guess we got carried away.." he looked at the decorations. "Shoot, we gotta finish these up Ezra!" He closed his eyes and lifted the lights, hanging them up with the streamer, he smiled and looked up. "I love these four leaf clover lights.."

Ezra chuckled and used the force to hang up the rest of the streamers and lights, making sure they wouldn't get tangled up. "Alright, so what was it that Hera wanted us to do next..?" He tried to think.

Kanan looked at Ezra. "Oh, it was to make dinner! We have to just fry up some goodies, but we have a blue milk custard and a fruit tart in the fridge that I'm dying to try..." his mouth watered at the idea of the custard, one of his favorite desserts. "We are also making Lothalian rat pie, the meat and veggies I chopped up last night, we just gotta bake it into the pie." He smiled.

Ezra laughs, walking with him to the kitchen. "So who is coming to this party?" He looked over as he grabbed the ingredients for the pie, combining them into a mixing bowl. He grabbed the pie crust and turned the oven on.

"Rex, Ahsoka, jai, Wolffe, rau us of course, Kallus..and I think that's it. Just us time you know?" Kanan smiled over at his lover. "Nothing complicated." He began heating up the pot, cutting up the polystarch portion bread. "This bread is amazing, not fancy, but it's nice, especially when warmed and toasted.." he smiled at the thought.

Ezra smiled, placing the pie into the oven. "Oh yeah?" He chuckled to himself, walking over to the sink filled with dirty dishes. He grabbed a sponge and began to clean off the dishes. "Hey, when you're done do you wanna help me out a little? Whenever you finish daydreaming about bread?"

Kanan blushed at the thought and walked over, drying and putting away the dishes. "So the food is going, snacks are set up. Now we just wait for people to arrive."

"Pie is done, should be." Ezra checked his timer and walked to the oven, checking the temp and smiled. "It is done." He grabbed oven mitts and placed the pie onto a rag covering a space on the counter top to let the pie cool. He looked over at Kanan and nods. "Now we party, once everyone gets here of course." He set the mitts aside and smiled up at his lover.

Kanan smirked and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him close. "Let's see how lucky
I can get tonight huh?" He kissed Ezra lovingly, passionately, he pushed Ezra towards their cabin and opened the door with the force, locking it once it closed behind them and pushed Ezra into their bed.

Ezra laughs. "You sure your wanna piece of me..?" He trailed his finger up from the center of his waistline up to his chin.

Kanan grumbled. "Boy do you have a way with your words..and fingers..but let me show you how it's done.." he toppled over Ezra, kissing him lovingly before traveling down his neck.

Ezra moaned, gripping onto Kanan. "Kanan.." he panted.

Kanan smirked before turning to the door, and things were just about to heated!

"Of course.." Kanan sighed and got up.

"Hey you two! We can hear you! Come out and enjoy the party, everyone's here." Sabines voice was heard from behind the door.

"We're coming we're coming.." Ezra said disappointingly.

Kanan smiled and helped Ezra up, grabbing his hand. He planted a soft kiss to the palm. "We will get lucky one day my love.."

"I already am..now let's go enjoy the party.." Ezra smiled and gave Kanan a quick kiss, leaving the room with a love stricken jedi following close behind.

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