Halloween Party at the Ghost

516 9 1

After season 4

Kanan Jarrus: Age 27

Ezra Jarrus: Age 25

No ones POV

Kanan gave a soft smile, walking towards his sleeping wife. "Honey, its time to wake up." He gently shook Ezra. "Its already 0900 hours, you gotta get up. The crew have already started setting up for the Halloween party."

Ezra scoffed, turning away from his lover. "Let me sleep idiot..I'm pregnant. Cut me some slack." He yawned and opened his sapphire eyes slowly, meeting with aquamarine eyes and smiled his best. "Give me 20 more minutes and I'll be up and ready." He sniffled and rested his head against the pillow, closing his eyes and snuggled into the covers.

Kanan rolled his eyes and gave a soft smile, kneeling down by his lover and turned him toward Kanan, receiving an annoyed grunt. "At least let me say good morning to Stella.." He chuckled and dug his hand under the blanket and placed it onto his wife's protruding bump. He gave a teary smile as he felt his daughter move under his hand. "Good morning Stella. Daddy can't wait until he can actually hold you in the morning, and rock you.." He sighed and gave his wife a peck on the cheek. "I love you.." He got up and walked towards the others to grant his lover his 20 minute rest.

The Mandalorian looked over at the jedi and chuckled. "No luck?"

"Nah, he's pregnant and tired. He compromised with me, so he's going to nap for 20 more minutes and then he'll be up." He chuckled and walked over towards her, grabbing the skeleton decorations and hung them up on the wall while Sabine hung up the streamers.

"So, the cockpit is done, pilot chamber is done, and the turrets are done. We're working on the kitchen and then we'll be set." She smiled.

"Sounds good, Hera and Ezra are cooking dinner aren't they?" He looked over at Sabine.

Sabine nods. "Yeah, once he's up of course." She chuckled.

Kanan smiled and hung up the Halloween magnet decorations.

Speaking of the pair, a green twilek walked into the kitchen with the pregnant jedi right behind her. Hera smiled at him. "Yes, just making the roasted porg, some meiloorun fruit, sauteed veggies, and then some blue milk custard as a dessert."

Ezra nods and smiled. "Sounds easy enough." He wobbled over to the sink and washed his hands under the warm water and some foamy soap. He gasped as strong arms wrapped around his waist, He quickly turned around and looked up at Kanan who gave him a smirk. "You're such an ass Jarrus." He gave a playful smack onto Kanans chest and chuckled.

Kanan smiled and gave him a loving kiss. "Good morning to you to honey." He pulled him close into a comforting hug and chuckled. "How is our daughter treating you?" He whispered.

"Lot of moving, lot of kicking. I feel like she's aiming for my organs only.." He laughs and buried his face into Kanans chest.

Kanan chuckled and rubbed his back lovingly. "She is for sure our daughter..but it'll all be worth it. In just three months we'll have a little baby in our arms." He kissed his forehead and smiled.

Hera looked up at them and cleared her throat. "A touching moment, however we need to start cooking for the party so we can get into our costumes." She crossed her arms.

"Yes ma'am." Kanan joked and gave Ezra one last kiss before going to join Sabine and Zeb in picking up the party favors from town.

Hera smiled and pulled out the porg from the fridge. "This marinade smells so good Ezra." She placed the porg into the heated oven set at 350 after covering it in new aluminum foil. She then grabbed the uncut veggies and pulled them out, while Ezra set up the cutting board.

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