Kanezra - injured/first kiss/rain

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Kanan age : 28
Ezra age : 18

Season 3

No ones POV

Ezra wiped the sweat off his forehead as he followed Sabine. "You okay?" He asked softly.

"What do you think?" She grumbled, looking at him in disgust.

"Look, I know Kanans a tough master, but he means well.."

"Does he? Does anyone?!" She got a little louder.

Ezra frowned, looking almost confused.

Sabine sighed. "It doesn't matter..just..leave me alone.."

"Sabine..you know that..if anything happens..we'll always be there for you." He smiled. "You're my sister, I would do anything for you..just remember that." He nods and walked away back to the campsite.

Sabine frowned and looked down, nodding to herself as she took her short break.

Ezra walked back, smiling at Kanan who was meditating and kissed his forehead. "She's alright, she's just overwhelmed pumpkin.."

Kanan smiled and looked up at Ezra. "You know...we haven't had our first kiss yet.."

"Give it time, wait for the perfect moment..it'll be all worthwhile." He rubbed his shoulder and went to the campfire, drinking some water from a canteen.

—time skip—

Sabine walked down from the hill and looked at the others.

Ezra smiled. "Right on time." He set the water down, sitting on another log, away from Rau, observing her and kanan.

Kanan looked up. "I..I owe you an apology.." his white eyes, sadly looking up at her.

Sabine nods. "I do too..can we..try this again? Please? I'll get the training sticks."

"No need.." Kanan held the darksaber, grasping it between his fingers and stood up, towering over the mandalorian. "Here.." he held the saber towards her.

"Look, Kanan I'm not so sure this is the best idea..I can go grab the training sti-"

"Please.." he interrupted. "This will be the way to help, you may not have the force, but you are powerful..." he smiled, letting her take it. "Ignite the blade.." he ignited his own. "Remember the forms that Ezra has taught you." He flashed his saber. "1, 2, 3!" He smiled as they collided. "How does it feel?"

"I feel..connected with it. It's so much less heavier now." She looked up at him.

"Good. You're connecting with it, now let's try this a little faster...1,2,3!" He said again with much more energy, giving her a slight challenge. He nods and began repeating the steps before knocking the saber away from her. "You'll have to do better.."

Sabine smirked and used her gadget, grabbing the saber and igniting it.

Ezra smiled. "Nice.." he watched in amusement.

Kanan smirked as he began the training again. "How does it feel? Lighter? Heavier?"

"Lighter..less feeling of pull."

"Respect it's strength, it's heavy, but it's powerful.." he continued training. Knocking her to the ground. "You're making it easy for me.."

Sabine got up and began training again with him.

"You cannot rely solely on the blade." He began dodging her attacks. "Use all skills..just like before." He smiled

"You're not fighting me, you're fighting yourself and losing."

Sabine charged. "I never quit!!"

"That's not what it looks like, you ran from the empire, from family!"


"So what's the truth!?"

"I left to save everyone!! My mother, my father, my brother!' Everything I did was for family, for mandalore. I built weapons..terrible weapons which were used by the empire on my own people!!! Mandalore, fear the weapons I helped create!! I wanted to stop it..I spoke out..saved everyone!!" She kicked Kanan down the hill.

Rain started to pour down, Kanan holding his chest, feeling a crack in his chest.

Ezra paled and ran over, hugging Sabine, stopping her from attacking Kanan anymore. "Hey..Shh..you can do this...you did great. Go sit by the fire okay?"

Sabine gasped. "Kanan..I'm so sorry.." she went to the fire.

Kanan chuckled and stood up, wincing, holding his chest. "You are good..you did amazing. We're proud. No matter what path you take, we will be behind you.."

Sabine looked up, smiling as she gave Kanan a hug. "Thank you.."

Kanan rubbed her back and winced. "We should head into our tents and call it a night. It's pouring out. We don't want anyone getting sick."

Sabine smiled and walked to her tent, Saying goodbye to Rau as he quickly headed to base.

Ezra rubbed kanans back, kissing his cheek. "Let's get you checked out." He brought him to their shared tent and checked him over. "Looks like a simple bruised bone. You'll be in pain for a while."

Kanan looked up at him. "Simple bruise bone?" He chuckled.

Ezra rolled his eyes playfully, looking out of the tent, he grabbed his hand, dragging him out.

Kanan laughs and wrapped his arms around Ezra's chest, careful of the pain. He danced with Ezra in the rain.

Sabine watched from the inside of her tent. "It's time!! Time for the perfect moment!"

Kanan looked down, smiling at his lover.

Ezra looked up, chucking and leaned in along with Kanan, sharing their first kiss under the rain. They connected foreheads and smiled. "I love you.." they whispered.

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