Kanezra Day 4: Heat

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Ezra age: 17
Kanan age: 25

Season 3

No ones POV

Ezra wiped the sweat off his forehead as he struggled to walk on the hot sand. Chopper followed slowly after him. The guess is they have been walking roughly 4 hours and Ezra had begun feeling lightheaded, he looked down at chopper. "C-chopper.." he held his throat which felt like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing against his throat. "Ow.." he looked up into the sky and closed his eyes.

Chopper warbled in worry. 'Ezra? Ezra!' He beeped in worry, trying to get the young man's attention.

Ezra looked over at Chopper. "H-hot.." he fell to his knee, collapsing onto his stomach, laying there.

Chopper rolled over, trying to get him back up. 'Get up!!' He shocked Ezra, but to no avail.

Ezra struggled to keep his eyes opens, before succumbing to darkness.

—time skip—

Chopper warbled, hitting Ezra again. Hoping this time it would wake the man up. It had been roughly 3 hours since the kid passed out and it was dark, cooled off by a lot without the sun beating down onto them.

Ezra fluttered his eyes open, moving upwards slowly. "Oh.." he moaned, holding his head. He coughed into his hand and looked over at chopper tiredly. "C-chopper..?"

Chopper rolled over and warped happily. 'You're up!! You're up!! We need to find someplace to go, we need to get you something to drink, and I need some oil.'

Ezra nods to the best of his ability and smiled as chopper held up his arm to help him up. "Thanks Buddy.." he looked around, he was extremely uncomfortable, covered in sand from head to toe, in all cracks. He groaned, wiping his eyes. "My eyes.." he looked down at the astromech.

Chopper beeped reassuringly. 'Don't worry, we'll find a stream, you can drink something, clean up your face.' He continued holding Ezra's hand, leading him to a small pond. 'Look!! There's a pond!!'

Ezra followed chopper, too exhausted to even talk. He knelt down by the stream and used his hands as a cup, collecting water and drinking slowly out of his hands. Breathing a sigh of relief, he looked over at chopper. "Thank you.." he cleaned Chopper up a bit before cleaning his eyes. Relief washed over him, laying onto the sand. "Let me sleep..I need to sleep.."

Chopper beeped, looking around. 'I think I can send the crew a distress beacon!' His little satellite began to work, his call answered by Hera.

"Karabast!! It's chopper!" She got up, grabbing her comm. "Specters 2, and 4. Specter 3 has just sent a distress single. Specter 6 is most likely with him, it's from tattooine, we must hurry." She spiked sternly due to the seriousness of the situation.

Minutes later Kanan was sprinting into the ghost as soon as he got the call, Zeb and Hera were already sat and ready for takeoff, he nods at them and sat in his co-pilot seat. "Let's go get our crew back." He laid back and tried to connect with Ezra through the force as Hera took off into hyperspace.

"It'll be approximately 10 minutes before we reach our rendezvous point. Can you contact him Kanan?" She looked over at the blind jedi who was focused.

"I'm trying..he's gotta be out. Either passed out or asleep..all I know is he's unconscious. We need to hurry." Kanan sounded worried. "I can't get ahold of him.."

Hera looked out into hyperspace. "We just have to wait to leave hyperspace and we'll head right down, we have the coordinates of choppers distress beacon, so we can find them easily,

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