Chapter 5

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Ari's POV 

     A cheesy romantic that made me think that Harry's friends put him up to it.  

     As the movie ends, everybody sighs disappointingly of how bad the movie was. I stand up to go walk to the kitchen to put my Alfredo dish in the sink.  

     Harry walks in front of me and says, "What are you doing?" 

     I walk around him and say, "Going to wash my dish." 

     Harry walks in front of me confused, "No, you aren't, I will be taking care of that," he says this while trying to grab my plate. 

     "Harry, really you have done so much the least I can do is wash off my plate," I say walking around him again. 

      "No, the least you can do is just give me your plate so I can be a gentleman," as he walks in front of me to stop me. 

     "Noo-," "Jesus! I will just take your plates!" Louis says taking them out of our hands. We all laugh at Louis hilarity. 

     "Can we watch the Notebook?" Niall says trying to act excited. Now I know the boys are up to something.  

     "Yeah, I love that movie!" Liam says trying to smile.  

     "Yeah, the Notebook is... Cool," Zayn says with a half smile.  

     "Then it is decided, we are watching the Notebook!" Louis says loudly.  

     I liked the Notebook I guess, it was just a little too unrealistic. Like really? Who falls in love that fast. I know I never have. I have only ever fell in love once and it ended as Jarred cheating on me, hating me. 

     Harry is so sweet, he is very flirty with me too. As we walk to the living room he grabs my hand. I am a little surprised at first but I like it. Harry has big hands and I feel safe with him. I know I can trust him but I don't know why.  

     Harry and I get the 'love seat' of course. The boys have yet again put him up to this. We start the movie. It's dark and all of the other boys are falling asleep to the gooey love story. Harry is wide awake. About 30 minutes into the movie, Harry puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. I giggle at his classic move.  

     "What?" He says quietly because the rest of the boys are sleeping.  

     "You're cute," I say looking into his eyes then turning back to watch the movie.  

    "Not as cute as you," he says. I just giggle again and let him coddle me. 'I love him' I think to myself. 'Did I really just say that? Well of course I didn't say it, but do I love Harry?' Oh my god. 'I think I love Harry Styles.' I never thought this kind of thing could happen because you know I just met him. I'm freaking out in my head because I know it's true.  

     "What's wrong?" Harry asks. Crap I wasn't hiding it that well.  

     "Oh well uh," I come up with a scenario quickly, "Ally's mom shouldn't be one to talk, she fell in love with a guy exactly like Noah," I say changing the subject in my head to the movie.  

     "Oh," he says surprised at my response. I am even surprised at my response. I love Harry I just didn't want Harry to be surprised if I said it. Would he think I am crazy? Would he want me to leave? I couldn't take any chances if I felt this way. I'm happy to stay in this moment while I can. 

     I get sleepy in the middle of the movie and slowly drift off to sleep in Harry's arms.  

Harry's POV 

     Ari was acting a little strange. I could tell she was tired and she slowly fell asleep in my arms. I wish I could stay in this moment forever. Never letting her go. Keeping her safe in my hold. I love her. And I knew I did the first time are eyes met. It was crazy to think she felt the same way but I couldn't help feel as if she did.  

     I rub her arms lightly but as I do this I feel and see a powder coming off onto my hands. Coverup? I keep rubbing lightly, trying not to wake her up. I know it's coverup now, but what was she covering up? I finally get all of it off and I see blue and purple circles all up and down her arm. She was still sleeping. That rat, Jarred did this to her. And now I know for sure, I'm going to hurt him. She's too fragile for me.

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