Chapter 33

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A/N: Brynn Vogel needs to read my fanfiction. She went on vacation and then came back and she is stuck on this one fanfiction right now... Hahahahh. I'm so boring. LOL! Enjoy the story, plot twist coming up later... ;)

Ari's POV 

     Harry and I notice who is standing in front of us too. Taylor. All of this anger and jealousy builds up inside of me and my face turns a crimson red.

     Harry holds my hand tighter as a signal to act mature. I see Taylor's face and I feel like it's mirroring mine. I want to punch her right here right now but that wouldn't hurt enough. That little bitch tried to make a move on Harry. I wanted to hurt her so bad but I know Harry would stop me if I tried.

      As I count backwards from ten in my head, hoping it will calm down, Taylor smirks in a devilish way and says, "Welcome to Sunset Cafe, how can I help you on this spectacular day?" Emphasis on the SPECTACULAR. She was being completely sarcastic and Harry and I both knew it. It took so much strength not to attack her. She smirks at me again and then turns to face Harry with the most innocent eyes. She winks at him. Oh that's it! No one winks at my man! That bitch is in it for a beating. Harry knows it too.

      He puts his arm around me, rather tightly, and holds me down right before I was about to jump at her. Taylor just stands there, acting dumb-founded, when she for sure isn't.

     "Bitch," I curse under my breath, not meaning for her to hear it but hoping she does. Oh and she does. Taylor is the worst... Waitress, you could say, at the cafe because she throws a punch toward me. Harry catches her fist in his hand.

     "No one, touches my girlfriend. Especially someone as mean and disgusting as you," Harry says throwing her hand down. He then holds my hand and we exit the cafe.

     "I'm sorry I brought you here. I didn't know she worked here," he says as he opens my car door for me as I get in. Once he closes the door and walks around the car and gets in, I proceed to talking. "It wasn't your fault, you didn't know. Thanks for standing up for me," I say with a smile.

     "Anything for my princess, nobody shall hurt you and I will make sure of it," he says kissing me lightly on the forehead. I start laughing, thinking about how childish and pathetic she is.

     Harry looks at me, "What?" He says dazed and confused.

    "Oh just the way Taylor acts is funny. She's funny if she thinks I can't take her," I say laughing again. Harry joins into my laughter.

     He starts up the engine and we start driving back to his flat. It was getting really dark now. The snow was falling still. It hasn't stopped since. It is falling lightly but affectively.

     We arrive at the flat and proceed into the lobby and into the elevator leading us up to the floor of Harold's flat. We walk in and [A/N: All the decorations are gone! Jk ;) You know who you are!] the tree is still lit up and the only thing lighting the room are flowing lights around our Christmas tree. I go and collapse on the couch. It's been a long day.

     I almost fall asleep until I smell hot chocolate and I see Harry in front of me holding to cups of it. I smile and sit up on the couch, giving him room to sit.

     "Thanks," I say.

     "Yeah, It's a lot better than being back at the cafe where the psycho probably would have poisoned it." [A/N: Inside joke] I laugh at his response and almost spill my hot chocolate. He turns on the telly and we start to scroll through the channels. We both settle on a Christmas Cooking Special. I slowly finish my hot chocolate and fall asleep in Harry's arms.


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