Chapter 31

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Ari's POV 

     He turns on the car and we drive to who knows where. Oh wait, Harry knows where.  


     We finally arrive at the secret location.

     Harry takes off the blindfold and happily says, "Okay love, we're here!" I observe where we are. All it is, is a few big hills covered in snow with a few trees. What is curly planning?

     I eye him, confused as I open the door. He just rolls his gorgeous green orbs at me and goes to the trunk of the car. He pulls out two sleds. Harry looks at me for approval of his cute, romantic idea of going sledding on theses giant, snow-covered hills. I just smile a toothy smile. I was probably turning red. I thought it was adorable.

     I grab the sled from him and then he smiles in relief.

     "Bet I can beat you to the hill," I say already running to the top of the hill with my sled, not even looking back. Before I get too cozy with this perfect, fairy tale date I trip over my own feet and fall, face first in the snow. Before I can even recover, Harry bursts into fits of laughter.

       "You may have beat me to the BOTTOM of the hill but the point of it is making it to the top love," he smirks as it turns into bursts of more laughter.

     I turn around, my face finally out of the snow and I look at Harry, "Okay Curly, if you think it's so funny falling in the freezing snow, lets see how you like it?" I say as I quickly get up and pounce on him, making him fall in the deep snow. He is on his back and I'm on top of him, he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me so close to him, so there is no space between us. My hands are on his chest. The snow somehow ended up getting in my shirt... Great. The... Snow, gets interrupted by Harry crashing his lips into mine.

     His lips are cold but tempting. His breath tasting like mint. Had he been planning for us to kiss. Taking breath-mints I'm guessing. Sometimes, this boy.

     This 'snog' [A/N: In other fanfics, people say this so I thought I should use it.] lasted for minutes but it felt like hours. Taking breaths in between, the rapidly growing kiss was effortless but affective.

     "So tell me, why did you think tackling me, help us get any further up this hill?" Harry says smirking up at me.

     "Because I can still win," I say winking and hurriedly got up off him, grabbing my sled, and darting up the hill... More carefully this time.

     "Tease!" He scoffs loudly, pretending he's mad at me. He just stands there, he knows he has lost.

     "Whatever it takes to win the game," I smirk back, continuing to run up this painful hill.

      "Oh that's it, you're going down princess," he yells, as he is far behind. He starts running up the hill, toward me with his sled. Harry is faster than I am, but I am also ahead of him. The problem is, I am only halfway up the hill and I am getting tired. 'Laziness, why did you have to take over me over all of these years in gym class?' I curse in my head.

     Harry is catching up. I think he is a little mad at me for teasing him because when I look back, his eyes are filled with darkness and lust. Very attractive look on Mr. Styles I gotta say. I can't let him win though. I turn my head back around and run as fast as I can even though I am getting more and more tempted to stop by the second.  

     Almost there, so close... Yes made it!

     "YEAH, THATS RIGHT MR. STYLES, ARI SAGE IS THE WINNER! BOOYA!" I say as I stick my tongue out at him. He was close behind but I didn't let him beat me. He keeps running and he tackles me gently to the ground and envelopes me in his nice, subtle arms. He then plants kisses all over me.

     "So what does second place get?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

     "You got second... Out of two people. You shouldn't be proud, you lost to a girl. You ain't getting nothing chump," I tease. He knows I am joking.

     He pouts and gives me puppy dog eyes, "Oh c'mon Ari, at least I tried."

     I give him a genuine smile, "I know, and for that you get a nice little peck on the cheek." Like I said, I give him a peck on the cheek.

     "That's it?" He says in a baby voice, he can't help but smile.

     "Maybe tonight," I wink.

     His happy little eyes fill with lust again as I can imagine he is coming up with many things in his head. I don't even want to know...

A/N: How'd you guys like this chapter? I thought it was just darling LOL! Anyways... Please vote, comment & fan if you haven't already!! Love you guys :) xx

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