Chapter 2

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Ari's POV 

     "I got a text message..." I check my phone, "from Jarred." He stares at my phone with anger and worry. I read the text message in my head 'You have done far worse to me you bitch! You hang out with other guys all the time!! I did absolutely nothing wrong you piece of shit!!' I feel like puking after reading this. I'm breathless. And I can't even cry because of how much those words hurt.  

     Harry knows something is wrong. After that he grabs my phone and looks at the message. As he reads it, his eyes turn dark. He gets mad, and squeezes the phone. 

     "Where is he?" He says as he hugs me tightly like he's known me forever.  

     "It's fine," I say sniffling, "I can ignore him. I-I-I don't care." The stuttering comes back.  

     "No, it's not okay. That guy needs to be taught a lesson!!" 

     "Harry, it's fine. Okay I'm fine. Please don't." 

     Harry hugs me even tighter and says, "Come home with me?" 

Harry's POV 

     I wanted to kill her boyfriend. How could he say that to her? Actually how could any human being say that to a lady?  

     "Come home with me?" It just slips out along with all of my anger. There was something about Ari, she was hot, but that didn't matter to me. The biggest thing was she is sweet and cares so much about other people. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that, I want to treat her better. I want her to be mine. But I feel like my timing is as awful as ever. 

Ari's POV 

     I don't know how to respond. We just met not too long ago, but there was something about him that made him... Different from all the guys I have ever met. 

     "I'm going to go get you some hot chocolate." He says, giving me time to decide while he's gone.  

     When he gets back he gives me the hot chocolate waiting for an answer. I nod my head and smile looking up at him. He grabs my hand and we go. I leave my hot chocolate on the counter and giggle. Harry had this huge smile on his face.  

     It stopped raining a while ago and it's just an empty wet street with the moon out. It was freezing out and my clothes were still wet.  

     Harry notices and he says, "Here have my jacket."  

     "Oh you don't have too," I say.  

     "No really, take it," Harry is really taking my mind off of Jarred. I know we just met but I feel like I am really falling for him. He's different from all of the other guys. He's caring, sweet, and... Cheeky.  

     We arrive at his apartment. It's really nice.  

     "You live alone?" I ask.  

     "Well, my parents are constantly gone because they work. They didn't want me to be home alone in a huge house. So they made me get a job and get out on my own. They gave me money to get an apartment and I surprisingly found this one for cheap. I work at a bakery. And I have been here for about a month." He says sadly.  

     "It's amazing here. Are you sure you want me to stay? Especially now?" I ask.  

     "Are you sure you want to stay with me?" He says smiling. I just giggle and look into his gorgeous eyes. 

     "You have the cutest laugh," he says.

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