Restless's life

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[so I'm gonna do this before the formal event so you get a good look at his life!]
Restless was a young boy living in Russia, also known as the Soviet Union at the moment. He lived with his father who was at work most of the time. He listened to the news on the radio gently petting his cat. The cat purred softly, Restless chuckled "I wish we could go outside when father is gone.." he leaned against the counter. Watching the snow fall outside, Turning up the radio to listen. He sighed and made some lunch. He was quite short for a 6 year old, after hours of walking around his father came home and hung his coat up. He gave Restless a gentle kiss on the head and went to his room. Restless yawned and sat in the living room

The loud sound of a window being shattered was heard from his fathers room. He quickly got up and ran into the room "f-father?!" He noticed a man standing over his fathers dead body. The man was wearing a straw looking hat with purple ribbon on it,  purple tie, a gray vest over a black button up shirt, black coat and pants, and a purple arm band. The tall man looked over at Restless and waved going over and kneeling down "Hello". Restless waved slightly "w-who are you!!" The man smiled slightly "I'm from someplace called the [NIGHTS COALITION] I'm here to bring you with me, as you can see your father is in no fit condition to help you, you can call me horrid." Restless nodded and  quickly hugged the man as he sobbed. Horrid took a moment before hugging back, he sighed and gently picked the small boy up. Walking out with him and disappearing into the shadows.

Restless has stolen one of the operatives hats and were running away from them. The other operatives just watched as Joyous chased after the young boy "come back here!" Restless shook his head "nope! Your just not fast enough!!" Joyous soon grabbed his hat and put it back on smiling at the boy. Restless chuckled and yawned. Joyous gently picked the boy up "how about we get you to sleep uncomfortable? You've had a long day". (Yes his name was uncomfortable before he joined the days-) the boy nodded "mhm.." The Operative chuckled and brought him to the place he stayed at with horrid for the time being. Uncomfortable laid down on the bed quickly falling asleep, snuggling with a stuffed animal another operative gave him.

He woke up the next morning and went to go say Good morning to Horrid. He got up and stretched walking to where ever in the place Horrid was and when he found him he spoke "good morning father!" He said out of habit. Horrid was confused as he looked back at uncomfortable and smiled softly "ah good morning son.." he gently hugged uncomfortable. Uncomfortable stretches "what do I have to do today?" Horrid smiled "You start your [TRAINING] today" The boy stuck out his tongue "boring!" Horrid sighed "well let's get breakfast first" they walked away. Horrid spoke up and fixed some papers he had and smiled "I have a surprise for you after breakfast!" Uncomfortable nodded happily and giggled, after a yummy waffle breakfast they took a walk together and horrid spoke up "read these papers" he handed them to the young boy.

Uncomfortable scanned over the papers and his eyes widened as he smiled "y-your adopting me!!" He giggled happily and hugged horrid "thank you!!" Horrid hugged back tightly "of course my son." He picked him up and laughed as they happily went to a lake for father and son bonding time.

Uncomfortable was doing his best, reloading guns, bandaging up people if he had to. Mainly making sure one person was okay. His lover, the man was there a year before Uncomfortable joined and were together through there entire childhood. His lover was trying to get a good shot at one of the Days Operatives. Missing and ended up getting shot by another operative. Uncomfortable noticed and quickly went over sitting far away under a tree holding him in his arms, he started crying and tried his best to stop the bleeding. The man spoke "y-you can go on without me..." uncomfortable quickly shook his head "I-I can't!!" The man chuckled and weakly kissed uncomfortable before pulling away and dying. Uncomfortable sobbed harder and held his dead lover close. A couple minutes passed and a tall man walked over looking at them. Uncomfortable looked up "g-go away!!" The man sighed "what's your name" uncomfortable looked at the mans outfit noticing his hat had the green circle on it. Meaning that was there enimes. The days.

Uncomfortable sighed "U-Uncomfortable_Night..and you.." The man nodded "my name is Great_Day" uncomfortable nodded as he sniffled. Great looked down at the man he was holding "who is that?" Uncomfortable wipes his tears "s-someone close to me.." Great nodded and stuck out his hand "would you like to join me." He asked uncomfortable blinked a couple of times "your not gonna kill me..right?" Great sighed "no of course not." Uncomfortable nodded gently setting his lover down and took greats hand. Great gently pulled him up noticing the gun shot wound in his leg "hurry we have a medic back at camp." He helped uncomfortable quickly walk back to the operatives, benevolent looked over "why did you bring a [NIGHT]?" Great sighed "just bandage him up" uncomfortable quickly went over to benevolent. Benevolent set passive down and started to bandage the wound "luckily you got the bullet out." Uncomfortable sighed "yeah I guess" Emotionless looked over at passive and waved slightly. Uncomfortable waved back..

Uncomfortable was sitting in Greats office just waiting and waiting..until great came in "[OPERATIVE] Uncomfortable I see your early" Uncomfortable nodded "oh..I didn't notice" he shrugged it off. Great sighed and sat down in his chair. "So, names" uncomfortable tilted his head "why do I need a new name?". "We all have names and nights would get new names" Great explained. Uncomfortable nodded. And hours and hours of thinking of names uncomfortable spoke up "restless_day..?" Great smiles "sounds great. Also here a present." He handed Restless a coat that had a small russian flag patch on the arm. Restless smiled as happy tears filled his eyes "I love it! Thank you!" Great nodded and smiled. "Someone will be showing you around."

Restless nodded as pathetic walked in and waved happily "hello!" Restless looked back as he smiled..thinking it was his lover, then realizing it wasn't...he went quiet and sighed before getting up. Pathetic smiled "l-lets get going..!" Restless rolled his eyes and walked with pathetic

Pathetic was fixing his outfit for the formal dance..happening in only a few hours..

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