Baby Hotline

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A/N this is not canon! Just a little au! Also in this au impassive is dead put some lyrics from the song that helped me with this au- (baby hotline by Jack Stauber)

It was another boring day as Restless walked around, looking at the bench with a photo of himself in a frame, with candles around and a new bouquet of roses with a note. Restless sighed "oh..heh.." he picked up the note 'Hello Restless, Pathetic saw these roses and thought they reminded him of you. -Great_Day" restless set the note down as he dropped to his knees and started sobbing "w-why did I have to die..I-I miss them all so much.." Yokujo appeared behind him (cause yk they both dead so they can see each other now) he sighed "hey.. at least they still can call you.." restless shook his head "I-It's not the same! I just wish I had my friends back.." Yokujo looked at the two pay phones on each side of the bench " have quarters still..? Isn't today the day Great is supposed to visit" (hoarder of quarters) restless sniffled and nodded "m-mhm but he might be busy.." Yokujo looked around and chuckled "nope" he pointed to great "well have fun!" He disappeared restless looked around "Yoku!- oh He is gone.." he stood up and held the flowers close. Great walked over to one of the pay phones and put a quarter in and sat down on the bench.

Restless picked up the phone and appeared next to great "hey.." he smiled softly Great looked over at restless "oh you answered quick" he chuckled restless smiled "y-yeah I kinda missed everyone.." Great chuckled slightly "well you know you can always come visit everyone" restless shrugs "it's not the same..remember when Pathetic would just tell me everything would be okay..?" He leaned his head on the bench slightly. Great nodded slightly, Restless smiled softly as Great chuckled softly and gently pat his head. Restless happily laughed "'s adorable..?" Great looked down at restless"She is doing okay..want me to tell her you said hello..?" Restless nodded "and that I miss her.." he handed great a rose "and give that to her.." Great nodded "I will.."

Restless looked at the time "you should go.." Great nodded as he got up "goodbye.." he went to put the phone back but quickly great pet restless head then restless disappeared. Restless smiled softly "goodbye..." Great walked off. Yokujo appeared again "oooo!~ a head pat wow!" restless crosses his arms "oh shut up!" Yokujo chuckled "just kidding! Who else will come today!" Restless shrugs "no one..? Not sure" Yokujo nodded "well I'm gonna go bother merciless bye!~" he disappeared. Restless chuckled "wow.." he sat down on the ground "I miss everyone..honestly I wish I was with horrid still then being dead..even the people I hate.."

After a couple of hours Pathetic and benevolent were on the phone with Restless"so how have you been restless?" Pathetic asked "bored.." restless answered. Benevolent nodded "understandable.." he handed Restless some cookies "here! We made them for you the secret ingredient is-" restless smiled "it's love..isn't it?" Benevolent chuckled and gently pet restless head "mhm! They are just plain chocolate chip!" Restless took a bite of one "they are great!" He smiled. Pathetic chuckled "glad you like them!" Restless had been feeling off all day which was weird and at the moment he felt terrible and benevolent seemed to notice "I think you need a break..switching from dead to slightly alive seems to hurt.." restless held his stomach slightly "m-mhm.." pathetic sighed "bye.." he gently pet restless head as the left

Restless sniffled as he puked up blood even when dead he felt pain "I-I feel like crying but n-nothing wants to come out..!" (wishing that the pills let you cry) he soon started sobbing as he cleaned himself up and sat on the bench. Yokujo came back and fixed his kimono "Jesus- puked again huh..?" Restless nodded as he looked over at Yokujo. He sighed and hugged restless , singing a lullaby. Restless listened to it "I-It's that the lullaby my mother used to sing..?" Yokujo nodded "yes..I heard it calms you down so.." he continued to sing as he summoned a butterfly and put it in his hair (mom Yokujo moment-) restless smiled softly and slowly fell asleep "thank you.."

A/N I'm so tired ahahah

A/N I'm so tired ahahah

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