Just Breathe

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It was the day after the party and Restless had the worst headache, he wasn't planning on messing with anyone today. Unless he had to honestly, he got up and slowly walked to the bathroom and immediately puked into the toilet and after a bit of puking he took a shower and got dressed, ready to get his tasks for the day. He sighed and got his tasks from Great they weren't to bad but he was ready to get them done, he bumped into pathetic and just didn't say any and kept walking. Pathetic tilted his head "are you okay [OPERATIVE] Restless?" He asked restless nodded "yeah yeah I'm fine" he continued to walk.

He chatted with some operatives pulling off a fake smile which actually worked very well! He sighed and ran into unpredictable. He hated him a lot. "Oh hey unpredictable" unpredictable waved slightly "how have you been?" Restless shrugs "tired, nightmares have been waking me up sadly" unpredictable chuckled "what are your nightmares about? Your daddy coming back to get you?" He laughed. Restless blinked, he probably meant horrid "please don't bring him up.." unpredictable rolled his eyes "why? So you can cry about it later..?"  Restless wasn't gonna deal with this as he growled softly.

Uncomfortable (again younger restless) was only speaking in russian around horrid obviously cause horrid couldn't understand him, none of the operatives could which annoyed them all. It had only been a couple of months, he had cussed horrid out in russian many many times mainly because he had a short temper. He hadn't known Merciless had learned russian just to translate to horrid, so uncomfortable and horrid were sitting in the office and halfway through passive started cussing in russian. Immediately Merciless spoke up translating all the words. Uncomfortable immediately went quiet knowing he definitely messed up, he quickly got up and ran to the door as merciless quickly grabbed him by his wrist, Uncomfortable immediately started sobbing "I'm sorry just let me go!!"

Horrid chuckles "I can't believe I call you my son." He got up and walked with the both of them somewhere..to what seemed to be like a not so nice cold floor, "your sleeping here tonight, sorry if any creatures bother you" uncomfortable quickly bit merciless hand and grabbed his gun backing up and pointed it at horrid "l-let me go! I-I'm not staying down here you can't make me!" Horrid pulled out his gun and immediately shot him in the leg causing uncomfortable to fall back, letting out a scream of literal bloody murder holding his leg as he sobbed. Horrid went over and kneeled down next to him, grabbing him by his shirt collar "don't ever speak to your father like that ever again, do you hear me?" Uncomfortable nodded "y-yes I understand!!" He started to sob harder as his breathing got heavier "I-I can't do this anymore..let me go.."

Horrid stood back up "just breathe, or I'm shooting you again" uncomfortable tried to calm down as horrid kicked his hurt leg causing uncomfortable to scream louder, he shivered as he laid on the hard cold floor. Horrid waved bye "see you tomorrow son" he walked out and locked and shut the door. Uncomfortable slowly got up and stumbled to the door banging on it and screaming for help, after what seemed like hours..joyous opened the door "I snuck down here" uncomfortable was just laying on the floor now with blood from his leg around him "h-hey..." Joyous quickly went over to patch him up causing uncomfortable to cry. Joyous soon held him close..rubbing his back "shh..just breathe it's gonna be okay.." uncomfortable sniffled as he gripped onto joyous "w-what did I do wrong.." joyous sighed "nothing..you did nothing.."

Unpredictable waved a hand in front of Restless face "hello? What's going on" Restless looked at unpredictable "why do you always feel the need to bring up my past?" Unpredictable smirked "why not? It's not like a stupid commie can do anything about it" Restless rolled his eyes "just cause I lived in the Soviet Union doesn't mean I'm a communist.." unpredictable chuckled "what are you gonna do go vent to great about it-" then Restless just punched him right in the stomach causing unpredictable to fall down and cough slightly "o-oh wow" he got up and punched Restless in the face

Unpredictable and Restless both started fighting as some civilians watched and pathetic tried his best to stop the fight but ending up getting tossed to the side. Luckily Restless got the last punch before radiant pulled them away from each other. Radiant cleaned up Restless and sighed "what happened this time" Restless groaned slightly "it was just about my past.." he seemed quite upset. Radiant nodded "well you can talk to me about it" Restless then just started crying..as radiant gently hugged him "hey..it's gonna be okay.." he gently rubbed his back

"Just Breathe"

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