Is This The End?

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Horrid had just watched sycophantic and restless walk into a cave which seemed small by the look of it but inside it was quite big. Sycophantic looked around the walls having stuff written on them, some in ink other in blood..he gently touched the wall getting a weird black gooey liquid on his hand "ew..what the hell is this?" He looked at Restless. The other who seemed mentally and physically tired just let out a laugh and smiled. Sycophantic looked at his hand "what is this restless!" The shorter male coughed and wiped blood off his mouth "that's the stuff that comes from Yokujos mouth" he laughed "h-he writes on the walls with that sometimes". Sycophantic seemed disgusted and wiped his hands off on whatever he could find letting out an annoyed huff, Restless went over to an area that seemed to have a line leading to something that was under the ground. Sycophantic walked over and tilted his head slightly seeing something red buried under the ground as he smiled "your gonna blow the place up?" The other stayed silent as he held his head "j-just the days side..not ours..hopefully" he rubbed his eyes and hugged sycophantic and sighed. The black haired male hugged back slightly and gave him a gentle smile. Restless pushed away and walked over to the TnT "you think I can do this..?"

Sycophantic nodded "I believe in you..we have made it this far so why not win" he placed a hand on restless shoulder. Horrid was listening to them near the cave and sighed he didn't wanna ruin it but this wasn't gonna end well. Restless took out a match and lit the string that was leading to the TnT that did seem closer than it was supposed to be "s-sy-" before he could finish his sentence sycophantic grabbed restless arm and pulled him close as everything around them exploded, well mostly everything.. they still had some stuff around them, sycophantic falling back into the dirt holding restless close, the other coughed and held his head. Most of the area around them exploded as well as the barrier line and part of the days area, The operatives falling into some of the craters that were now in the ground and some just falling back. The Union Of Ashes operatives falling back as well, rubble, dust, and smoke filling the air..which everyone covered their mouths so they could at least breathe. Uncomfortable reaching for his memory book as someone stepped on his arm causing him to let out a cry of pain.

Pathetic picking up his memory book and setting it into a small fire near them and letting out a laugh..uncomfortable coughed as he screamed out "N-NO!!!" he yelled as the taller male kicked him and walked off, putting a coat on then noticing the The Two leaders Of  the Union of Ashes one just now joining them, Sitting up from the rubble of the 'cave' Sycophantic waved to pathetic and restless was just hugging the taller male and keeping his head down. Pathetic glared at them..soon the rest of the ashes operatives ran over to them while the days were trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Uncomfortable was near the days setting off TnT just to keep the air smoky and so they couldn't see. Questionable looked at pathetic "w-what's going on.." the other loaded his gun while sycophantic got up gently helping restless up as they both looked at 'pathetic' "what's wrong p-pathetic..?" The other laughed "what's wrong?! You know I gave you all weapons and helped you little did you morons know I was on the days side hoping you all were stupid enough to lose! Now look. You replaced one tyrant" he pointed his gun at restless "with another.." he pointed his gun at syc. "You all don't understand! This is meaningless! Restless if you just stayed fucking quiet and alone in exile THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED YOU ALL ARE IDIOTS WHO JUST WANTED TO START A WAR FOR NO REASON" Pathetic laughed as he held his head "YOU ALL ARE STUPID GETTING RANDOM PEOPLE TO JOIN? FORCING A DEMON TO POSSESS A BODY.." Yokujo looked away slightly and sighed. Questionable spoke after "we wanted to do what was right for us..we wanted to show we could be powerful.." Pathetic shot her right in the leg "no one asked." She gasped and held her leg in pain as yokujo rushed over to bandaged her up glaring at pathetic "what has gotten into you!" Restless shouted as Sycophantic spoke after "you used to be so nice what the hell happened?" He gave them a smirk "Never trust anyone. Not even your closest friends" he walked off.

Everyone was very shocked but didn't stop him from leaving they didn't need him..anymore. Restless rubbed his face and went to go make peace with the days..well for now. He wiped blood from his face, walking over to Great_Day and the rest of them as Sycophantic followed close behind having his gun at the ready just in case anything happened. Restless coughed as uncomfortable slowly got up and ran off to write what he remembered down in a new memory book. The smoked cleared as Restless waved to Great, he looked over and walked over "congrats" Restless tilted his head slightly "oh what..?" Great motioned to the two banners hanging up, the Days banner torn up and burnt and The Union of Ashes banner..standing strong with only a couple of rips and slightly burnt. Restless smiled softly "oh..! Well you all put up a good fight as well. Sorry about the conflict-" Great cut him off "No, it was a fair fight luckily so. You can either come back or stay here and rebuild your society" He said in a slightly annoyed tone. Restless looked up at Sycophantic and gently held his hand before looking back at Great "I would like to stay here" he said and smiled softly. The other raised and eyebrow and nodded "Why of course. That will be fine" Great looked at Syc and then to Restless "Goodbye for now [OPERATIVE] Restless_Day and [OPERATIVE] Sycophantic_Day" He waved bye as the rest of the days operatives left the area and back to the days city. Benevolent sighed knowing he would have to patch up a couple of the [DAY OPERATIVES] he helped Radiant back to the city and wondered 'where the hell did pathetic go..'

Restless looked at Sycophantic and smiled "So how does it feel to lead an entire union with me" Sycophantic looked down at him "Mm..your lucky I don't hate you" The shorter one rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah, I know you love me" he said teasingly, Sycophantic started to walk off "You know I change my mind I hate you now" Restless quickly caught up with him "WAIT IM SORRY-" The other looked back and laughed "I'm just going to the house, okay?" Restless nodded "Oh alright! I'm gonna clean up out here" He smiled and Syc nodded "Good luck" he headed back to their newish house. Restless was cleaning up near one of the abandoned houses, Pathetic was sitting behind it as he heard Restless, so he did what he wanted and left a bit of TnT near the house and lit it, quickly running off as restless heard the boom he looked around then looked up realizing it was to late. He quickly took off his gold heart necklace and held it tightly in his hand covering his head as the stone and rubble of the house collapsed on him..Uncomfortable had finished writing down some stuff as he heard the boom, he rushed out and saw the rubble where Restless was standing so he ran to the house Syc was at and knocked on the door quickly. Sycophantic opened the door "hm?" The smaller boy was seeming to panic "I-I think s-something collapsed and I-I don't see restless anywhere" Sycophantic nodded "show me" Uncomfortable nodded and took him
To the rubble.

The taller male noticed his hand and started pulling away the rocks and uncomfortable helped until Restless was pulled out and picked up by Sycophantic, he sighed "I'm going to go see if Benevolent can help.." uncomfortable nodded "I hope he will be okay.." Sycophantic shrugged and rushed off and ran to the [DAYS CITY] and rushed in to Bene's office. Benevolent turned around "oh hello how can I-" he noticed Restless and quickly took him from sycophantic "just wait here.." he took Restless to a room. Sycophantic sitting down and waiting patiently. After around 3 hours Benevolent came back out "He's in stable condition luckily..his memory may be a bit messed up but you can go see him.." Sycophantic nodded and walked to the area Restless was in. Restless looked over the right side of his face bandaged up and the bandages already slightly covered in blood. He waved slightly "h-hey syc..!" He seemed to be cheerful. Sycophantic sat down in a chair near him and smiled softly "hey your are you feeling?" He shrugged "my right eye is a bit foggy and my body hurts but other than that I-I'm okay..!" Sycophantic nodded and gently held Restless hand "do you remember the revolution?"

"What Revolution..?"

A/N: hey! This may just be the last chapter for a bit, the next chapters and so on will probably be about pathetic and everything like that, I'm gonna go back and revamp some of the chapters then hopefully come back to this! Also start working on my other story as well, hope you guys enjoyed! See ya soon

A New Revolution (days Union)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum