Lonely Forever

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It was another boring day, Pathetic was doing his tasks alone with nothing but his mind..not the best thing. He was thinking about Halloween mainly! Some civilians had carved pumpkins outside of there [RESIDENCES] which was quite nice to look at. He didn't know if there was gonna be a Halloween party but he didn't really care if there was or wasn't one, he continued to think..it had been months now since powerless had stopped by, which made his heart skip a beat..shoot..what was going on..? Powerless would have usually left a note by now..or said..something at least, did he die? Did he just randomly leave Pathetic? All the thoughts of terrible things filled his head, he looked quite pathetic.. hah..wow..he always looked pathetic come to think of it..

He quickly walked to benevolents bakery, as he looked at benevolent "hey pathetic what's wr-" pathetic immediately started sobbing and shaking. Benevolent quickly pulled him inside and held him close, rubbing his back "what's going on..?" Pathetic sniffled as he hugged benevolent tightly "is it about powerless..?" Benevolent asked Pathetic nodded "mhm..I-It's been months and I haven't heard from him..am I gonna be lonely forever..?" He sighed benevolent quickly shook his head "no of course not..! Every relationship ship has its ups and downs..but he should have left you a note, hopefully he's just busy and not ghosting you.." pathetic sighed and nodded "I hope he's not.."

Restless was just night patrolling as he looked at some papers he was holding and sighed "скучный.." (boring) he groaned and kicked some pebbles. "Ugh why do I have to do this alone!" He then heard someone behind him and quickly looked around to face Joyous "why the hell are you here [NIGHT OPERATIVE] Joyous_Night.." Joyous just chuckled "that's no way to greet an old friend it's great to see you [DAY OPERATIVE] Restless_Day or should I say [NIGHT OPERATIVE] Uncomfortable_Night" he smirked restless growled softly "don't call me that, what do you want.." Joyous smiled "just wanted to catch up! It's been years! And I was the one who would patch you up after-" restless sighed "whatever, luckily I'm walking in the alley ways" he walked with joyous

Joyous happily walked next to him "so hows the [DAYS UNION] Treating you?" Restless shrugged "it's been okay, everyone's nice" joyous nodded "are they nicer then us?" Restless quickly nodded "well how they treat others, yes"  the night operative gasped "I am offended!" Restless laughed "your fine Joyous" joyous happily clapped his hands together "oh good! Have you found anyone special" he nudged Restless, he crossed his arms "shut up! No!" He blushes slightly. Joyous laughed "I'm kidding! You've never had a strong bond with anyone honestly" restless nodded "yes I did..remember when I ran off during the war..? With that guy..?" Joyous nodded "yeah and you just disappeared!" He growled softly, Restless sighed "that was my lover he died.."

Joyous went silent for a moment and then hugged him "I'm so sorry I didn't k-" Restless shrugged "it's fine.." he sighed "we all lose someone close in life.." joyous sighed as they continued to walk

Joyous looked at the time "I should get going" Restless nodded and noticed joyous wallet and smirked slightly "one more thing!" He held up the paper in front of both of there faces, he then kissed joyous and secretly took his wallet. Joyous quickly pushed Restless as he blushes "what was that for!" Restless chuckled as he began walking away and held up Joyous wallet "thanks for the money~" he smiled. Joyous quickly went over and snatched his wallet back "how the hell did you do that without me noticing?" Restless put a finger up to Joyous lips and walked off, smirking slightly to himself. Joyous was silent. He couldn't wrap his head around of why he would do that..he shrugged and disappeared into the shadows

Pathetic was sitting on benevolents couch, in a pretty big hoodie and cat socks :D along with the bandages wrapped around his legs. Benevolent sighed "how are you feeling..?" Pathetic shrugged and took a bite of ice cream "mm.." he leaned his head on benevolents shoulder, the day operative chuckled "well you seem comfy...I hope you like the movie as well" pathetic nodded "mhm..I am comfy and the movie is nice.." he continued to eat the ice cream "want a bite..?" Benevolent chuckled "no thanks..not hungry" pathetic nodded as he slowly drifted off to sleep..benevolent sighed and took the ice cream and set it down..

I just don't want to be lonely forever..

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