The sleepover

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A/N: thank you BeepDaRobot for some of the ideas!! And gumpylumpy :)
Also sycophantic belongs to Beep! <3


He was putting out some snacks for the rest of the operatives! They were all having a big sleepover today with everyone. He set out sleeping bags (color coded cause it's cute) Benevolent was helping as he baked some cookies "everything looks good pathetic!" Pathetic chuckled "thanks!" He stretches and snuck a cookie from the plate. Benevolent laughed "you don't have to sneak a cookie you can just ask" pathetic nodded "I know! Are we allowing alcohol at the party..? I know Restless might bring some anyway" benevolent shrugs "well we have wine and stuff in the fridge so we are good" pathetic nodded "oh good!" He chuckled and finished setting up the sleeping bags "what do we do if unstable gets loud at night" benevolent shrugs "someone will probably strangle him with a pillow" Pathetic laughed "true! So a lot of people are coming.." benevolent nodded "mhm.." he put the cookie sheet in the oven.

He was putting on some pajamas for the sleepover, they were all told to wear pajamas there. He was gonna force his new friend to come! Sycophantic_Day well- he didn't know if they were friends they talked, like once or twice and he doesn't even remember most of anything that happened since Yokujo had control. That part scared him- what the hell did Yokujo do. He packed up some stuff and put on a necklace that [REDACTED] gave him. He grabbed a liter of soda he bought for everyone and head to Sycophantics [RESIDENCE] and soon knocked on the door. Sycophantic opened the door "what are you doing here, and why are you wearing that..?" Restless blinked a couple times "today's the sleepover- are you stupid or didn't get the message" Sycophantic raised an eyebrow at the little outburst "you want me to come?" Restless rolled his eyes "obviously! I walked all the way here in pajamas with a  cat on my shirt! I look like an idiot come on let's go!" His russian accent got heavier. Sycophantic could barely understand that "can you repeat- all I heard was russian screaming" Restless shook his head saying no "I'm not gonna. Pack your bag we don't got all day" Sycophantic rolled his eyes and packed a bag of stuff and soon came back "happy?"

Restless nodded "Yup! Let's get going" sycophantic walked with Restless. Sycophantic talked after a while of silence "so- last time we tried to kiss me, what was that about?" Restless sighed "sorry that wasn't me.." Sycophantic let out a laugh "what do you mean that wasn't you! It literally was" Restless looked up at him "has no one told you I was possessed" sycophantic went silent "your serious?". He nodded "obviously I am, Yokujo is off doing his own thing right now so he's not here" sycophantic nodded "you better be telling the truth, cause if your not you sound insane" restless nodded "I know I know" he soon knocked on the door and pathetic happily opened it "hey come in!" He moved out of the way and they both walked in. Restless went over to a red sleeping bag and sat down. Sycophantic stared at the gold one next to Restless as he rolled his eyes and sat down.

Restless just messed with the sleeves on his shirt out of boredom, he seemed to zone out for a moment. Sycophantic slightly looked at him "what are you doing?" Restless took a moment to speak "oh! I'm just messing with my sleeves, just a habit that I never grew out of" Sycophantic nodded slightly as pathetic turned on a movie "here! We will just let this play so you all won't get bored" Restless nodded and looked at the movie and after a bit most of the operatives arrived! Even great showed up. After everyone was there, they just chatted with each other making jokes restless spoke Russian a bunch on accident mainly just to pathetic. Radiant had an idea "Restless!" He smirked. Restless was zoned out which at the moment Yokujo took over "hm?" He spoke. "Flirting contest! Whoever can make someone flustered wins!"

Yokujo happily accepted "hope you don't mind losing, cutie~" radiant laughed "you wish~" pathetic looked at both of them and chuckled. Radiant went first and tried to get Macabre flustered which didn't work out well Macabre just laughed. Yokujo looked over at Sycophantic, he was looking at his phone so Yokujo went behind him laying his head on his shoulder and gently poking his cheek "hows my favorite man doing~" Sycophantic looked over at him "get off" he shrugged him off his shoulder "your annoying" Yokujo gasps "I'm offended!" Sycophantic nodded "good". He rolled his eyes and hugged his arm "come on~ don't be so stubborn~" he smirked slightly and Sycophantic pushed him away "I'm not being stubborn. I'm just not interested" Yokujo sighed as he leaned in to try and kiss him. Sycophantic quickly pushed him away "I said no" Yokujo fell back "h-hey!"

Radiant smiled "well we both lost!" Yokujo nodded and went back over to his sleeping bag "yeah yeah.." he rubbed his eyes slightly and unpredictable nudged him "are you sad or something?" Yokujo yawned "just tired" he smiled. Pathetic nodded "well let's eat and watch the movie!" He started up a new movie and served food to everyone. They all ate and watched the movie playing more games like twister, truth or dare, and some bored games. They also did try Bloody Mary but pathetic freaked out. Soon everyone was asleep

Restless obviously couldn't sleep and went over to sycophantic nudging him "hey.." sycophantic looked over "what do you want. It's 3 in the morning" Restless smiled "I'm gonna go outside for a moment wanna come..?" Sycophantic nodded "I guess.." he got up and they both quietly went outside and restless leaned against the wall and smoked making small talk, it was quite nice yet the breeze would be cold. They soon went back inside and went back to sleep.

Everyone left! And it seemed to be okay..

A/N: eek I'm tired

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