He's Everywhere I Go..

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A/N: this is another back story! For questionable! Sorry for not getting back to the main story yet,, also Rene is owned by gumpylumpy

Questionable was a young girl only 17 at the time, her family was quite rich yet they lived in a cottage. They also owned a mansion they would go to sometimes, today Questionable was at the mansion with her Mother, Father, and 5 sisters. She was sleeping peacefully in bed as she heard one of her sisters yelling her name "ALICE!! GET UP!" Her mom yelled as well "NO YELLING EMMA!" Alice sighed and got up, tying her long orange hair up. She looked around slightly as one of their maids or helpers walked in, the helper being a girl around Alice's age..they were good friends but her mother wouldn't let them hang out. The helper spoke, "Good morning Alice, I brought you the outfit for today." She laid a dress down "Breakfast is almost ready" she smiled and Alice nodded and blushes slightly "Thank you...Mei.." Mei nodded and quickly left while blushing a bit. Alice put on her dress (the photo below)

All her siblings were all just wearing fancy outfits, she sighed and waved to them and sat at the table

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All her siblings were all just wearing fancy outfits, she sighed and waved to them and sat at the table. "We will be having a family friend get together soon, hopefully, tomorrow," Her mother said. Emma rolled her eyes "They are all so annoying. Especially the younger ones." Alice shrugged "It will be good to see some of them..!" One of her other sisters nodded "Yeah it's quite nice to be in a mansion and just having people we know over!" The chef brought the food to them and soon they all started eating, Alice's dog ran over her dog being a Great Pyrenees, they were huge dogs here being around 29 inches in height at the moment which they could get up to 32 inches. She fed her dog a piece of bacon..soon she finished eating "May I go walk Apollo?" Her mother nodded "Of course sweetie just stay out of trouble" she giggled "of course!" She put a dark blue collar on her dog as well as a leash. Walking out into the trail in the woods, she hummed a tune as she heard something run through the woods. At first, she just thought it was a rabbit, till she heard talking. Apollo growled and barked standing in front of Alice to protect her, from the corner of her eye she saw a red upside-down triangle on a yellow armband..she covered to mouth and quickly ran off with her dog and into the house, in a panic she ran up to her room and locked her door. Apollo laid in her lap and snuggled her to keep her calm. Her hands running through his fluffy fur, she heard a knock at her door "Oh.." she unlocked her door and Mei walked in "Is everything okay..? You were in a panic.." she nodded. 

Apollo happily went over to Mei and rubbed her head on her leg. Mei chuckled softly and pet Apollo...Alice looked up "I-I think I saw a night operative.." Mei let out a small gasp "Why are they here..? Hopefully they are just passing through" she nodded "Hopefully.." she gently lifted her dress on the side looking at her wound on her leg. Mei quickly grabbed a first aid kit and cleaned it..then wrapped it "how did this happen..!" Alice shrugged "I don't know...I must have accidentally cut it while running home" The other nodded "What are you planning to wear for tomorrow?" Alice laughed softly "It's a surprise.." Mei nodded and looked at the time "You seem tired.." Alice held her head "I am.." she whined and gently kissed Mei. The other started blushing "I-I should go..! Goodnight!" She chuckled softly and walked out of the room shutting the door. Alice giggled and laid down in her bed. Apollo snuggling up next to her, the next morning her mom woke her up Apollo happily licking her mother's face. The mom laughed "Apollo!" Alice woke up "Hmm..oh mom!" She smiled "I just wanted to say I found someone for you to marry!" Alice went silent "what..?" She nodded "Here's the ring! Your fiancé will be coming today for the family get-together!" Alice nodded "thanks, mom.."

Her mom nodded and left the room, Alice set the ring on her table and growled slightly "great..just great.." Apollo rubbed up against her and barked. Alice smiled and pet the dog. Tears filled her eyes and she got dressed, throwing up a loose button-up, corset, and thigh-high boots with her normal pants. After hours and hours of waiting she heard people starting to arrive, she walked downstairs with her dog close next to her. Most of the people looked at her in disgust when they saw her outfit, she noticed Mei smiling and giving her a thumbs up. She chuckled and noticed her well she acted like he was her brother Rene, she was two years older than him. Rene raised an eyebrow as Alice quickly walked over, everyone went back to chatting as Apollo jumped up on Rene and licked his face. Rene groaned "Gross" he whipped the slobber from the dog off with a napkin. She chuckled "Fuss." (Heel in german) Apollo immediately sat to her side, Rene nodded "oh you trained him?" Alice laughed "He's been trained!" The other nodded "Ah I guess I just didn't notice" Alice sighed and nodded slowly.

Alice's fiancé walked over, he had black hair and bright orange eyes. Gently putting his arms around her waist causing her to push away "The hell!!" He seemed startled "oh I'm your fiancé!" Alice groaned and sighed "Nice to meet you- what's your name..?" He smiled "Emile. Its French" she nodded "Mhm..how about you go take a look around the mansion..! I'm gonna talk to my friend" he nodded and walked off. Rene looked at her "Arranged marriage at 17?" Alice growled and nodded "yeah apparently.." she sighed and walked off with Apollo following her. She chugged a glass of wine and sat down in a chair as everyone chatted. Later that night everyone was asleep and she went to her fiancé who he was outside smoking. She pulled him close and kissed him...holding the kiss for a minute or two. He let out a gasp as he felt a sharp pain in his back, pulling away and coughed up blood "Y-YOUR CRAZY!! Y-YOU-" he fell to the ground as she pulled her sword out of him...cleaning it off with a rag. She laughed and felt someone pull her by the back of her shirt and her throat was stomped on "GAH!" She glared and looked up at Merciless_Night.

He smiled and pointed his gun at her "Now you either come with us or I'm shooting you" She sighed and coughed pushing his leg off, Joyous picked up Emile "See you both soon" he walked off with the man. Alice smiled and nodded as she immediately put merciless in a chokehold, kicking the back of his legs causing him to fall on his knees. He growled and pushed her off holding her down, she winked at him and kicked him right in the crotch. Merciless fell back and held his groin, growling "j-jeez" she pointed his sword at him. Merciless sighed and held his hands up "You win.." he smirked and grabbed his gun shooting her straight in the head, she fell back..dead "Jesus.." he put his hat on and walked off. The last thing she saw was..Mei holding her body close and crying the only word she could get out was "I-I love you Mei.."

The sound of a door opening could be heard.

Alice looked around noticing a man with blonde curly hair, a pink hat along with a matching pink hat. Her vision was still blurry as she backed away "[LEAVE ME ALONE]" The man smiled softly "I'm here to help.." she whined and held her head "[I CANT SEE]" he nodded "I know." He said softly "Do you know my name?" She shook her head saying no. He chuckled "I'm Benevolent_Day! Just call me Bene. Welcome to the Days City" She nodded "[WHATS MY NAME]" Alice asked "[WHERES MY DOG]" Benevolent smiled "we had to get you a new one. He was getting quite old" he held out a box to her with a new dog. Well the same breed, she took the dog out and held it close smiling happily. Benevolent laughed softly and thought to himself 'she's quite..Questionable.."

Questionable was with the Union Of Ashes. Making sure everything was in order and safe. She was walking in the woods and bumped into someone looking up at him..he had bright orange eyes. He chuckled and apologized "Very sorry" he winked and walked off. She growled and went to visit Uncomfortable..for the next few days she would see him around- everywhere..she growled "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" He smiled "I'm Abandoned_night..well my real name was Emile." Questionables eyes widened as she quickly walked away and into her residence "NONONO" she shook her head "I killed him- I-" she took a deep breath "He probably doesn't remember me." She smiled softly. Oh he definitely knew her, he smirked and walked off..heading to his..new friend.


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