Going Home

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It was getting late as pathetic finished his tasks. He sighed as he walked back to his house. Quite a long walk to be completely honest, he walked slowly watching the sunset soon it was completely dark. Not good for anyone out at that time.

Pathetic looked around and walked a bit faster soon losing his way of where ever he was, he hears noises and things running. Pathetic ran slightly trying to find his house, he felt his heart start racing, maybe it was because he was running? No he knew he was having a panic attack.

He ran faster as he tripped over his foot and just fell to the ground as tears filled his eyes, flashes from his memory came back to him, all he saw was, blood paperwork and a man with an arm band that had a upside down red triangle on it. Pathetic got up as he ran to his house, his hand bleeding from scraping it on the ground, his breath started to shorten as he felt tears roll down his cheek. He felt like he was choking.

Pathetic soon ran into his house and slammed and locked the door. He just fell to his knees as a wave of dizziness hit him. He grabbed onto his shirt and vest his chest felt heavy, he moved over to the corner and sat there as he coughed slightly while crying. He heard someone quickly come into his house.

It was Benevolent, he must have heard the loud slamming of his door. Pathetic looked at benevolent and didn't say anything just sat there and cried. Benevolent quickly went over and held him close soon rubbing his back and tracing shapes on his back to calm him "hey it's gonna be okay, no one can hurt you I promise..you can trust me" he said softly. Pathetic nodded as he cried himself to sleep..

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