In the beginning

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Pathetic was a young boy, named Ami he lived alone with no parents and no one to take care of him at all so he made money for himself doing as much as he could to even eat dinner, soon when he was around 20 he was working with the dawns. His dawn name being pessimistic. He always saw the worst aspect of things or even believed that the worst would happen, he stretched and smiled even if he was as pessimistic as ever. He would greet most of the others working for the Dawns making friends..yet his attitude towards everything would cause him to lose them as fast as he gained them..which just caused him to be lonely but he tried to help ex-friends with work and anything they needed, he also had a love for baking which he never did due to always being busy. He stretched as he walked down the street heading to pick up some breakfast for himself since cooking wasn't much of a strong suit. He met up with a friend for breakfast, his name being enthusiastic, (just a random person I made up) two opposites. But as they say, opposites attract. The dirty blonde-haired male ran over to pessimistic and chuckled "good morning!" The other waved "h-hey! Oh, you already have breakfast" The taller nodded happily "well I ran by there and they were almost out of your favorite so I quickly got us breakfast!" He said happily as pessimistic laughed "Aw thanks!" He would always do this ever since they first met they were inseparable.

Enthusiastic sat down with pessimistic and slid his breakfast over to him and the light brown hair male started eating happily. They chatted happily while eating "So how's everything been going?" Pessimistic sighed "I don't know but I feel like today is gonna be horrible." The other chuckled "don't say that! I'm here so it must be a good day" Pessimistic rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah" after they were finished eating The shorter man got up and went to leave and Enthusiastic gently grabbed his arm and pulled him close..he gently leaned his head on his "I'm gonna miss you" Pessimistic smiled softly "you're coming over for a sleepover tonight it's not gonna be that long" Enthusiastic groaned "I know" he sighed "Ami, I'm glad we are friends" Pessimistic was a bit surprised "You used my real name-" The taller male nodded "Sorry I didn't mean to" he gently kissed the others head. Pessimistic chuckled "it's fine" he sighed softly and they both went their separate ways, they didn't know today would be their last day seeing each other. Pessimistic walked off keeping his hands in his coat pockets since it was getting quite cold out doing everything he needed to, and stopping by some shops and grabbing stuff for tonight's dinner.

He grabbed all the stuff Enthusiastic liked and happily ran back home humming a tune. Rushing inside since it was almost nighttime and Enthusiastic would be coming over soon. He rolled up his sleeves happily and started cooking, humming a tune, and halfway through cooking he heard a knock at the door "Crap.." he whined and went to the door, opening it slightly to see Enthusiastic already here "Your early!" The taller male nodded and gently kissed his lips, holding him close by his waist. Pessimistic gently pushed away by his chest which he did slightly regret "mm.." Enthusiastic chuckled "hm?" He showered him in kisses, nuzzling his neck. Pessimistic rolled his eyes "o-oh my lord- we aren't even dating" The other sighed and picked him up, causing the smaller male to let out a squeal. "See now you're as tall as me!" He nodded happily and laughed "m-mhm" he wanted to be together with him but didn't know if it was right, maybe this affection was a joke? Maybe he was scared? He didn't know but..he was willing to wait. "Let's finish making dinner together!" Pessimistic smiled happily and Enthusiastic set him down, they happily walked to the kitchen to make dinner. Pessimistic hummed happily while Enthusiastic helped.

After around an hour they finished and Pessimistic set the table, setting down the plates and almost knocking over a vase "shit.." he caught it luckily and put it back. Enthusiastic put the food onto the plates "would you like some wine?" He asked and Pessimistic nodded, he wasn't one to drink but..tonight would be special! They sat down and ate happily, Enthusiastic speaking happily "this is very good!" He purred, Pessimistic laughed "glad you like it!" He said happily as he took a sip of his wine "thank you for helping me!" Enthusiastic nodded "anytime!" They continued to chat and eat happily, they soon finished and did the dishes together. Deciding to drink some more wine happily, Enthusiastic sighed as he held him close by the waist "god..your gorgeous" Pessimistic started blushing "o-oh! Thank you!" The other nodded "I got you some new pajamas.." Enthusiastic spoke "also I know about your wounds let me patch you up." The smaller one groaned and nodded "Fine fine" he went to his room with him. Enthusiastic tossed the pajamas to him and left the room, The smaller man put the pajamas on..wearing just some normal shorts and a shirt, he looked down at the many wounds on him and sighed walking out. Enthusiastic snuck up behind him and kissed his neck, Pessimistic squealed and turned around "J-JEEZ" he laughed and the other smiled "sorry sorry" he held up the first aid kit "Ta-Da!!" He snuggled into his neck and picked up Pessimistic, caring him to the couch. They both say down as the smaller one whined and Enthusiastic looked at him..gently taking the bandages off and cleaning his wounds.

He laughed softly "You need to take better care of yourself" Pessimistic nodded "I know I know.." Enthusiastic bandaged up his wounds and put everything away. He soon came back and looked at the time, couple of hours till 12 so they just decided to mess around and have fun before they decided to go to bed, walking into the bedroom and hugging each other and laying down..just snuggling since it was quite cold in the room.


Pessimistic woke up from hearing frantic screaming from outside, he woke up Enthusiastic and whined "h-hey-" the other quickly sat up "oh god..the nights.." he looked at Pessimistic and got up picking the smaller one up, running into the closet and locking the door, setting him down and protecting him. Pessimistic was panicking but staying quiet..they heard someone slam the door open to the house causing them both to immediately go quiet..they could hear talking between two people and opening and closing of doors, Pessimistic couldn't make out what they were saying and neither could Enthusiastic..the heard one thing.." check upstairs" Pessimistic felt tears fill his eyes as he panicked hoping nothing would happen to them..they heard doors opening and the sound getting closer than one of them walked into the room..luckily the person was alone "mm..nice room" the voice was deep and raspy. He wiggled the closet door handle noticing it was locked, enthusiastic shoved pessimistic further into the closet as the night operative kicked open the door, him having a yellow armband with the upside-down triangle, a hat with a yellow ribbon, and bones coming from the top..Merciless_Night. He only noticed Enthusiastic and grabbed him, throwing him down to the ground. Enthusiastic groaning "r-run.." he mumbled out just loud enough for Pessimistic to hear.

He didn't wanna run. He didn't wanna leave his side but he had to. Merciless growled and shot Enthusiastic multiple times in the head..stomping on his chest to make sure he was fully dead. Pessimistic sobbed and ran out of the room as fast as he can causing the night to quickly turn around and growl "HEY!" Pessimistic ran as fast as he could bumping into someone..looking up and noticing a man with his rib cage exposed and a normal purple armband and an astronaut-looking mask...Merciless rushed down the stairs "SHOOT HIM OR I WILL!" He yelled causing pessimistic to start sobbing and fall to his knees "w-why.." Powerless looked at pessimistic, taking out his gun and shooting right through his eye and his head..he died almost immediately. Merciless laughed

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