Chapter 38

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"Don't cry bun"

You say as you run your hand through his curly locks to calm him down. In between sobs, he mumbles a few words.

"I miss you"

You laugh lightly not quite understanding.

"I'm right here bun, I'm not going anywhere" you smile

"B-but your not, you're not here. You left me, left us"

You pull your hand away from his hair and that's when you finally notice. You're in a cemetery, currently sitting in front of your grave.

Your name
Loving mother and wife
Our shining star forever in our hearts


An intense pain rushes through your entire body. You hear other voices yelling over each other. You see white then black and white again until it's only dark.

"Y/n please come back to me"

Jungkook POV

I gently take her hand in between mine and let my tears spill. I must have been crying louder than I thought because Namjoon came to my side and hugged me.
"It's going to be alright"

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

"Remember what the doctor said"

"I know"

The surgery lasted twelve hours and twenty-seven minutes. According to the doctor, y/n was very lucky. Lucky isn't the word I'd use to describe her situation but I held my tongue. The first bullet grazed her shoulder but the second one hit below the left clavicle. The joint wasn't damaged too much but enough to require repair. If not careful they could have hit the subclavian artery which would have been lethal. The doctor said she should wake up in a few hours but she did lose a lot of blood.

It's almost afternoon and she's still asleep. Namjoon and Jimin stayed in the hospital room with me. The rest went to update y/n's mother and look after Jaehyung since not too many people were allowed in the room.  The police came earlier again to see if y/n has woken up yet. They said the investigation is being done discreetly and to contact them as soon as she wakes up.

"Hey Kook, Hoseok says y/n's mom will come by with Jaehyung soon," Jimin says

"Did he say if she blames me?" I ask

"No one blames you, this isn't your fault" Jimin states

"How? How is it not my fault when this whole mess wouldn't have happened if I never involved myself in her life"

"You involved yourself because of your son and because you love her, you never really stopped and neither did she"

"She wouldn't blame you for this so you shouldn't either"

"You weren't there when Jackson revealed what a hard time she went through, I had no fucking clue they were sending her animal organs and bloody pictures to her office saying she'd be next. I didn't even see her because of the stupid comeback. Not once did she complain and I took advantage of her kindness for fucks sake all I'm good at is messing up her life." I raise my voice exasperated

"Blaming yourself isn't going to help her or Jaehyung so stop it, he's going to be here soon and he needs you," Namjoon says


The argument is cut short when the monitor starts beeping rapidly. We all look and see y/n coding. I shout for the doctors and through my crying mess, Namjoon pressed the button that calls the doctors and nurses. They immediately come in and try to stabilize her.

"Y/n please come back to me" I yell before being forced out of the room by my hyungs. Once we're out in the hall I see Jaehyung standing next to y/n's mom holding her hand. I can't do this.

"Appa where's mommy?" Jaehyung looks at me with watery eyes.

I stumble with my words unsure of what to say. What can I possibly say to him that his mom is alright but won't wake up, or rather that she was shot by one of dad's crazy fans. No of course not. So instead Jimin answers. "She's in the room getting treated"

"Why did so many doctors go in? Why didn't she come to get me? Is she gone?" Jaehyhng kept asking too many questions, none I knew how to answer without breaking his heart. I walked towards him and squatted down grabbing his hands.

"Your mom is going to be okay, she's just getting treated" I wipe away his tears with the sleeve of my jacket.

"Your lying. Why are you lying?!"

"Jaehyung listen-"

"No, it's your fault!" He pushes me away

It's hard enough when I blame myself but when Jaehyung said it, it hurt so much worse. Jaehyung has always been a little too smart for his age and more aware of his surroundings. So him saying what I already knew confirmed it. I ruined not only her life but my son's as well.

"Jaehyung it isn't your father's fault" Y/n's mom intervenes

"Apologize right now or you won't see your mom" she warns him

Jaehyung looks at me then back at her. "No it's his fault" he cries hugging her tightly

Before anyone else can intervene the doctor and nurses come out. The same doctor from last night comes towards me. His is expression is stern as he pulls me aside.

"Mr. Jeon, we were able to stabilize her, she was reacting badly to one of the fluids that were being pumped into her system. Fortunately, there isn't any significant damage and we replaced it with one that contains colloid substance."

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

"She's awake, you can see her now but no more than three people in the room. I'll come back in an hour to check in on her"

I tell Namjoon to give me a moment alone with y/n. I immediately walk in and see her prompted up. She slowly brings her hand to run her fingers over the bandages. She winces when she runs her finger over the wound.

"I'm so sorry y/n, I'm sorry"

"Jungkook"  her voice sounds frail, I sit by her side and she smiles at me. I'm taken back but smile anyway.

"How long was I out for?" she asks

"About fifteen hours"

"So a while, I'm sorry to have worried you and Jaehyung"  She apologizes

"I'm the one who should be on my knees begging for your forgiveness, if it wasn't for me you'd be okay" I cry

"Jungkook, baby, I don't blame you so don't ever say that again."

"No, if-"

"Listen to me, none of this is your fault, the only person to blame is the one who pulled the trigger okay so don't go on about that nonsense"

"How can you be so calm about this?" I ask her bewildered wiping away my tears and snot.

"Because I'm okay, the bullets didn't hit any major or vital organs. The doctor explained some things to me." she grabs my hand and smiles to reassure me that she is indeed fine. I stand up and kiss her forehead gently, whispering "I love you".

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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