Chapter 19

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Your POV

You wake up and like magic the solution has come to you. You quickly get ready so you can talk it out with your friend. You grab your phone and head outside when you see Jackson there with a cup of coffee.

"Good morning y/n" he greets and opens the car door for you.

"Good morning and thank you" you return the greeting and get in the car. On the way to work you both arrange a date for Friday since you have that party with Jungkook on Saturday.

Holy shit you forgot to text Jungkook last night that you got home safe. You pull out your phone and quickly text him that you are sorry.

You and Jackson go your separate ways and you head to Jennie to talk over your plan.

Your plan is, you go on a date with each of them and which ever one you feel that feeling you give them a chance and end it with the other person.

"Well?" You ask after explaining it to Jennie

"Seems fair but the choice is clear" she says

"Who?" You ask

"I can't tell you, but you'll figure it out" she says.

"Ugh fine" you pout

~ Friday ~

You got all dressed up in a black sheer off the shoulder dress that's above your knees with nude heels to match. Jackson picks you up in his car and takes you to a fancy restaurant and get seated with a view of the city.

"You look amazing" he compliments

"Thanks you, you look good too" you say

You make small talk as you wait for the food to come and once it arrives you both dig in. For some reason the evening felt like it was a first date. It wasn't dull you'd definitely say yes to a second date but this is the fifth date and it's all the same, it's bland.

There's no sparks, no butterflies, no excitement. You feel terrible having to end things with him because he's not a bad guy. He even loves Jaehyung which is the most important. You are just not into him.

You probably would've fallen for him if you never ran into Jungkook but it wouldn't have been the same.

Some part of you actually knew that this just wasn't going to work. You have made up your mind and it's better to end it now then to wait until after your night with Jungkook.

" *you sigh* Jackson I need to tell you something and it's serious" you start off and he looks up like a deer in headlights.


"I know what your going to say y/n and don't worry about it. Your heart belongs to someone else" he says and you don't know what to say

"I'm so sorry" you apologize

"Don't be I had a great time with you and I don't want to get in the way of what could be a whole family"he says

"I hope you find someone who deserves and loves you Jackson" you say holding back your tears.

"Thank you and I hope everything works out with Jungkook" he says sincerely

"Thank you" you reciprocate

"Just know that if anything happens you can still come to me for help, just because we didn't work out doesn't mean we can't be good friends" he smiles

"Thank you" you say again feeling so relived that Jackson is so understanding. Some would have said in a perfect world Jackson would've been the clear choice, the right choice but the world isn't perfect. We're not perfect and you have to always follow your heart.

In your case your heart is beating Jungkook.

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