Chapter 33

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

Gathered up in the conference room is our manger, boss and of course us. The tension in the room is thick that it has us at the edge of our seats. We have no idea why we're here, we were all enjoying our morning when our manger called us saying it's urgent.

"Why are we all here?" Namjoon is the first to speak, breaking the silence.

"That's why" Bang PD says pointing to the projector where it's displaying an article about y/n.


The secret is out

She made her first appearance as Taehyung's sister at the charity ball but is she really? The witness says her name is *your full name*. Her last name isn't Kim, so why lie? We can only speculate it's because she's dating one of the band members. Once we have all the information and facts we will release the full story.

Published by Real News

Who the hell is this so call witness? Why are they doing this?

Taehyung scoffs, "They wouldn't believe this from some stranger"

"They are" Bang PD nim says sternly

"The comments from people are overwhelming" Our Manger adds reading a few.

"I knew she wasn't his sister she's too ugly"
"Attention seeking whore"
"Stay away from our boys"
"Just die"

"Okay enough" I yell not able to handle hearing all the hate she's receiving because of me.

"Why are they bringing this up now? The event was months ago" Hoseok asks

" We think it's because of the so call source" Sejin says

" what are we going to do?" Jimin asks worried.

"I think it's best we have y/n move to a safe house till everything dies down" Bang PD says

"No, you are not going to ship her and my son somewhere, I have to see them and be with them, their my family" I'm so worked up that Jin rubs my back in attempt to comfort me.

"You'll still be able to see them just not as much" Sejin says but I won't listen.

"She will be on lockdown at our place" I say with no room to debate.

Bang PD sighs and moves forward, "We have to release a statement to the press"

"What have you decided?" Hoseok asks

"If we deny it that means we have to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why she was there" Manger Sejin says

"We could say she was adopted by Taehyung's grandma" Jimin suggests

"Real News say they have the full story coming out soon" Yoongi points out

"Do you think they know about everything?" Namjoon asks

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