Chapter 13

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Your POV

"Can we tell him please" Jungkook asks waiting outside of Jaehyung's school in the car  and you can hear the desperation in his voice. Your hesitant but it's the right thing to do.

"Yes but not now, I want Jaehyun to get to know you before dropping something so huge on him" You explain

"I understand but just know that I will do anything for our son" He professes and your so happy that Jaehyun has an amazing father.

The bell rings and you step out the car to fetch Jaehyun.

Jungkook POV

I see y/n walking back holding Jaehyun's hand. He looks absolutely perfect.

Y/n opens the car door and Jaehyun hops in.

"Jaehyun this is Jungkook my friend" y/n says

"Hi Jaehyun it's nice to meet you"I  say and Jaehyun smiles so big.

"Can we go eat together?" Jaehyun abruptly asks

" if your mom is okay with it I'd love to" I state

Your POV

"Please mommy" Jaehyun begs and you can't say no to him

"Okay sweetie" you give in

"Great then where do you want to go?" Jungkook asks Jaehyun.

" uhh I want a cheeseburger" Jaehyun says cutely

"McDonald's it is" Jungkook laughs

He drives to the nearest McDonald's and Jaehyun immediately goes to the playground. You order the food and before you can pay for it Jungkook hands his card over.

"Uhh thank you" you reply

"It's the least I can do" he states and you both find a table.

"I wanna know everything" Jungkook abruptly asks

" everything about Jaehyun?" You ask

"Yes all the birthdays I missed, his first steps, first words, all of it I wanna know" Jungkook professes

"I have videos and pictures of all that I can give them to you" you say

"That'd be great" he smiles and they bring us our food.

Jungkook went to get Jaehyun and when they walk back they really do resemble one another. You've never seen him this happy, you only what the best for your son and he deserves too be raised by two parents. Even if it means losing him on the weekends so he can spend time with his dad.

"Jaehyun did you have a good time?" Jungkook asks him in the car on our way home.

"Yeah I did, it was a lot of fun" Jaehyun replies

"Okay we'll do it again sometime soon" Jungkook tells him and parks in front of your home.

" wait here I'll bring the videos and photo albums" you say stepping out of the car and leave Jaehyun with him.

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