Chapter 32

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"Are you still mad?" Jungkook asks

"No, *sighs* not really, I can't be mad at you for wanting to protect me, but now you know why I wanted to deal with this myself" you explain

" sorry I just couldn't help myself" Jungkook gives a lame excuse and you give him a look.

"Okay fine I wanted to punch him and I don't regret it" Jungkook confesses

You reach for his hand that's all bandaged up. You gently run your finger tips over the white fabric covering his bruised knuckles.

"I just hope he doesn't press charges" you say

~ Flashback ~

Arriving at the company, Jungkook barged in to the Jerk's (Eric)  office, where he was having a meeting. To say they were all shocked was an understatement.

"Which one of you is the boss?" Jungkook demands, his hands in fists, ready to swing.

"What's this about?" Eric asks confused but is cleared up when you walk in with Namjoon. Understanding what was going on and before he could speak Jungkook suddenly threw the first punch, his fist was slamming into his face. Blood pooled in Eric's mouth and that's when Namjoon decided it was enough and pulls  Jungkook off of the unconscious man.

"When he wakes up let him know our lawyer will be in touch" Jungkook says to the two people who witnessed what happened

~ End of Flashback ~

Jungkook and you returned home where the guys were waiting.

"How's the hand?" Jimin asks concerned

"It's fine, could have been a lot worse if Namjoon didn't stop me" Jungkook half jokes to brighten the mood.

"If I didn't who knows what would have happened" Namjoon says

"What did the lawyers say?" You ask

" do you want the good news or bad news first?" Yoongi asks

You don't know what to choose, what's the worst that can possibly happen? Everything so far has been bad and you could use a little good first.

"Good first" you answer

"So while Jungkook had his little quarrel, the smart hyungs went to his supervisor" Yoongi starts

"Turns out his daughter and son are huge fans so with a couple of free front row tickets we were able to make a deal" Jin hyung adds

"Eric is fired for what he did to you effective immediately and you are getting the promotion y/n" Hoseok finishes and your happy that asshole won't be there anymore.

"Now what's the bad news?" Jungkook asks

"Eric wants to press charges for assault but our lawyer is trying to work something out so don't worry too much" Taehyung says.

The happiness fades away and is replaced with grief. Jungkook notices how quickly your smile faded and wraps his arm around you, pulling you in to a hug.

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