Chapter 5

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Jungkook POV

I arrive at the apartment and toss my keys onto the table.

"Hey kooks where were you" Jimin asks while watching tv with Hoseok and Yoongi.

"No where" I respond bitterly

"With that foul mood I don't think so" Hoseok says

"Yeah what happened?" Yoongi asks

"You wouldn't understand" I say and start walking to my room.

"Yah! Jungkook come back here" Jin hyung shouts and I turn around and see him coming with a pink apron on, he must of been cooking.

"What hyungs" I say frustratingly

"When one of us are having a problem we all sit down and talk so that's what we're going to do" Namjoon says from behind me, coming from his room.

We all sit down on the couch except for Taehyung who is recording right now.

"Well Jungkook" Jimin urges

" I went to go see y/n" I say and they all know who y/n is. When I broke it off with her I would cry myself to sleep and always look at pictures of her. Our manger found out and burned all them including the letters I would write to her but never sent.

" why?" Namjoon asks

"I bumped into her at the store and then with Taehyung's help I got a hold of her company number and scheduled an appointment. I just got back from visiting her" I say

"She didn't recognize you?" Jin asks

"No and the second time I covered myself completely and pretended to be Taehyung" I say

"Then why are you upset?" Hoseok asks

"Yeah I thought you'd be ecstatic" Jin adds 

" I was at first but she's going on a date tonight with a guy from work" I sigh

"I think it's best you finally let go" Jimin says rubbing my back

" you don't understand" I say

"She's probably happy with her boyfriend and you can't just ruin that" Yoongi says

" what" I shout

" you told us what y/n did and said the night you had to break things up with her. She knew it was coming and was prepared to let you go because she didn't want to stand in the way of your dream that is what you told us, she let you go so you can be happy and now you want to what talk to her and potentially ruin her happiness" Yoongi says

"Yeah Jungkook you can't be selfish" Namjoon adds

" she has a son" I say and everyone stops and stares at me not knowing what to say

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