Chapter 25

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Jungkook POV

" She is the girl from five years ago" I say and the air in the room is thicker.

" and the boy is my son" I add

" Am I hearing things? Please tell me this is all a lie" our manger asks frustrated

" no it's the truth" I say

"This can't be, are you positive that child is yours, I mean that girl could be trying to get money from you or use you how do you know she isn't some trashy whor-"

He doesn't continue when his face is met with my fist. He stumbles backwards and touches his now cut lip.

"Jungkook" the guys stand up and get in the middle to prevent any more violence.

"You crossed the line" I spat

"Y/n is not that type of person and if you ever insult her or my son it'll be the end of you" I threaten

"You're going to throw away everything you worked so hard for, it's all going to crumble down and for what some incompetent woman and a bastard child" he spats

I fight my way past the hyungs to give him another blow but Yoongi and Hoseok hold be back.

"I'm not throwing anything away, I know my place and it's to be with them!" I yell

"It's best you leave" Jimin says coldly

"Not if you don't want me to tell Bang si-hyuk" he says

" Are you threatening us?" Namjoon asks

"Take it however you want, I'm trying to protect this band from being destroyed by the golden maknae" he says

"Protect? Don't make me laugh" I scoff

"Who do you think made you pop stars? Me, and you all wouldn't have debuted if I never got rid of her!" He shouts

Her? Is he referring to y/n?

"What do you mean?" I ask the anger evident in my voice and the guys let go off me.

"Sir I think we should go" One of our co managers says

"No one is leaving till this is all cleared up" Jin says

"What did you mean?" I say walking towards him

"I made sure y/n wouldn't be a problem and I thought I succeeded till now" he says

"I broke up with her because of the contract" I say confused

"Y/n really loved you it was not easy to convince her" he says enjoying torturing me

"Quit playing around" Taehyung spats

"I knew she was pregnant and convinced her not to tell you" he reveals

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