Chapter 36

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" BTS's world tour has been sold out worldwide"

The host says on the tv. You didn't know they were going on tour. It hurts a little that Jungkook didn't inform you or at least have the decency to mention it. You brush it off because you understand how much he works and must've forgotten.

"Does that mean we won't see daddy anymore?" Jaehyung asks with teary eyes.

" no we'll stay in touch, you'll still see your dad okay bun" you kiss his head to comfort him. In that moment your phone rings. It's Jungkook.

Face Time call

Jk: Hey bun
J: Hi daddy
Y/n: So I heard your going on tour
Jk: yeah I meant to tell you sooner but it slipped my mind
Y/n: for how long?
Jk: 3 months
J: no daddy that's too long (Jaehyung whines)
Jk: Do you want to come with me?
Y/n: bun you have school
J: Awe but I want to go
Jk: don't worry bun I thought ahead and hired a private teacher so you and mommy can come on tour
J: Yay I'm going to go pack! (Jaehyung jumps with joy before going to his room)
Y/n: Jungkook you can't be serious
Jk: why not?
Y/n: won't your fans or people find out about us though?
Jk: no because you can come as a stylist or something
Y/n: I have work tho-
Jk: you can take a leave of absence
Y/n: for three months? They'd fire me
Jk: you don't even need to work anymore
Y/n: are you suggesting what I think
Jk: I'm not suggesting I'm saying it
Y/n: Okay then for sake of this conversation let's say I do quit my job and go on tour, what happens after the tour is done?
Jk: we get married *you don't know what to say, did he really just say that*
Jk: it's going to be a grand proposal and after a few months or whenever we both feel it's a good time we'll go public
Y/n: Jungkook are you sure? This is your career, it's everything to you.
Jk: that's where your wrong, Jaehyung and you are my everything and I want the world to know how much I love you both.
Y/n: okay
Jk: okay?
Y/n: yeah let's do it *your eyes get watery*
Jk: I love you baby
Y/n: I love you too

After the call ends, you go ahead and pack what you'll need in advance to see if your missing anything. The tour starts in a few day and you're going to have to talk to your boss about the trip and he'll most likely have you clean out your office. Finding a job is a problem for when you return. You could always go back to the university and earn a degree in something you want to pursue. There's a lot of options and endless possibilities to what you can make of your life.

~ A week Later ~

You drop your son at school and talk to the principal about how you'll be going on a trip so your going to pull Jaehyung out of school. The principal was already made aware, you assume Jungkook or one of his managers called in advance because you just needed to sign a few documents. Once that was taken care of you go to work.

Today is one of those days you stay late to finish important paperwork, Jaehyhng is with your mom since Jungkook is currently performing in front of fans. The tour officially started and their first performance is in Seoul. Jaehyhng and you will go on tour with Jungkook when they leave for the U.S. You already informed your boss that you are resigning earlier in the day. He just asked you to finish the project that you were in charge of. You're too busy with said project that you didn't look up when someone walked in, ignoring the fact the person didn't even knock. You don't know who it could be since it's a quarter past 8, and a Friday so everyone is mostly gone by 7 pm. when you finally look up your heart stops.

Standing a few feet away someone is pointing a gun at you. You can't recognize who it is because they are wearing a face mask and hoodie to hide from the cameras you assume.

"w-what are y-you"

"shut up! This is all you fault" you recognize the voice its Soo-jin but why

"Soo-jin p-please don't" you stutter attempting to reason with her but your too scared to say anything else.

"guess there's no point in hiding" she says and removes her facemask and tosses it on the floor.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Isn't it obvious, you stole Jungkook from me so now you have to go away" She says and has a sinister smile, she's ill.

"was it you who sent the death threats and the heart?" You ask

"Yes, I tried warning you but you just didn't listen, you couldn't help yourself, could you!" Soo-Jin raises her voice and you flinch at the movement of the gun

" what does killing me do? Jungkook will fall in love again with someone else" At least that's what you wish for. If you really are going then you don't want Jungkook to suffer, you want him to find someone else and fall in love again.

"He's going to love me, he was supposed to fall in love with me but you ruined it all" she yells

You slowly move your hand to grab your phone to call for help

* Gun Shot *


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