Chapter 15

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Jackson took you to Jungkook's penthouse to pick up Jaehyun after work.

"Thank you for bringing me here" you say

"I don't mind, I'll wait for you" he says and you don't want to take advantage of him in any way.

"Jackson I'll be fine I'm sure he will take me home" You say

"I can't let the girl I like be taken home by another man especially when it's my job as your future boyfriend" he says and you smile

" okay fine I'll be quick" you say and enter the building and take the elevator to the penthouse.

You step off and knock on the only door on the floor. Your received by someone who isn't Jungkook or Jimin.

"Hi I'm Jaehyun's mom, here to pick him up" I say politely

"Hi I'm Namjoon, we haven't been formally introduced, please come in" he says and closes the door once you've come in.

You see what looks like a small party going on and you scan the room for your son when you see him eating cake on the table.

"Jungkook" Namjoon elbows him.

"Everyone this is y/n, Jaehyun's mom" Jungkook introduces you

"Hi it's nice to meet you all" you respond

" Hey y/n I'm Jin" he says

"Hello I'm Taehyung but you can also call me Tae Tae" he says cheerfully

" Hi I'm Yoongi" he says

" Nice meeting you I'm Hoseok" he says

"Nice seeing you again y/n" Jimin laughs and you laugh as well.

"It's nice meeting you all" you say

"Y/n I sort of have to tell you something" Jungkook says worried

"What is it?" You ask

"Please don't be mad but Jaehyun knows I'm his dad" he says carefully

"Did you tell him?" You ask controlling your rage.

"No he told Jimin then in the car he told me" Jungkook says quickly

"He's only five he doesn't know" you state

" miss y/l/n, if I may your son is very intelligent and told us that he knew Jungkook is his father" Namjoon says

"It's true y/n, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" Jimin apologizes.

" You can even ask our son" Jungkook says which sounds absurd but since it is absurd you believe him.

"I believe you" you say

"You do?!" Jungkook cheers

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