Chapter 35

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Only a few days have passed and at first everything was normal. You took Jaehyung to school and then went to work. Your new position made it easier to leave early to pick up your son. Of course you didn't drive yourself, you had your own personal driver provided by BigHit since you couldn't take the bus anymore. They didn't want to risk the media finding out about Jaehyung or worse harming either of us.

Sitting in your office doing paperwork, Soo-jin walks in with the mail cart.

"Good afternoon miss y/n, I have your mail here," she says handing it to you. This is the worse part of your day. Having to look at all the hate mail you receive. Soo-Jin must have noticed the falter in your smile when you grabbed your mail, "still getting hate?"

"I don't mind" you lie

"I'm sorry to ask but are you really dating him?" She asks

Sejin said to deny everything and that's what you are going to do. "No I'm not, it's all a misunderstanding" you say

"I see" she says and leaves your office.

You sigh and open them one by one. Their all the same for the most part, cursing at you, calling you names overall really hurtful when you get to an envelope with pictures of your family. Only you were crossed out from the pictures in red lipstick.. You see all of them and one has something written.

You don't deserve Jungkook so either kill yourself or I'll do it for you.

This is the first death threat you've received. You don't know if you should take this seriously. It's probably a teenager who is in love with their idol but how did they get these pictures? All your social media is private and has been since you created the accounts.

There is a total of five pictures, three of them are of Jaehyung and you, one with your mom and Jaehyung together and the last one is Jungkook holding our son while giving you a kiss on the cheek. The one with Jungkook is the picture that has the message written.

Suddenly Jungkook messages you disrupting your thoughts.

'Should I tell him?' 'It's not serious so is it even worth mentioning' 'he should know though right?'

The debate in your head stops when Jungkook sends another message.

Jungkook: Hey baby
Jungkook: I'm sorry I can't see you and Jaehyung today

It's fine, stay safe :You

Jungkook: I love you

I love you too :You

You haven't seen him since you agreed to live in the safe house. You don't blame him though, he's busy with his comeback and thought it'd be best to keep it from him for now, just until his comeback ends.

You place the photos back in the envelope and in your purse.

~ The Next Day ~

You arrive at work an hour earlier since you wanted to make sure everything is ready for the meeting. You unlock your office door and see a black box on top of your desk with a red and white bow.

Did Jungkook send you a gift?

You place your bag down and remove the black lid, immediately dropping it to the floor,
your eyes widen and stomach feels uneasy.

"Who would go this far?" You think to yourself

Sitting on top of your desk is a bloody pigs heart with a picture of you and knife in the middle.

With shaking hands you remove the knife from the heart and grab the picture. Just as you thought there's something written on the back of the photo. Maybe, no it's definitely the same person, it has to be.

Next time the knife won't go through a pigs heart but yours

Your mortified to say the least. You can't ignore this anymore and have to tell Jungkook. You pull out your phone and dial his number... he doesn't answer.

You forgot he has dance practice right now. You text him instead but before you can type you get a message from an unknown number.

???: Tell him and I'll hurt Jaehyung

They know but how?

???: Distance yourself from Jungkook

They sent another text and your head is spinning from all the questions. Your not even sure what to ask, who are they? How do they know about Jaehyung? Why are they doing this?

Leave my son alone:You

???: That's up to you

Who are you: You

???: Someone who deserves Jungkook

Why are you doing this: You

???: To protect Jungkook from you

I'm sure you like your idol a lot but this has crossed the line, I will tell the authorities: You

They didn't reply after that. You wonder if it's really an adolescent who went to far. You call the police to file a report and hopefully find out the person responsible for it.

They show up, two males, one in their late thirties and the second in his mid twenties probably.

After explaining to them what happened they snap photos of the scene.

"Miss you shouldn't take this sort of thing lightly, we will investigate and if you feel your life is in danger we can provide body guards for you"

You already have bodyguards for the intense fans so you think you'll be fine.

"I'll let you know" you say

They take the evidence and leave. Shortly after they left Jungkook calls you. You have to tell him everything now.

~ Phone Call ~

Jk: hey sorry I was practicing

Y/n: it's fine I understand, how's it going?

Jk: the choreography is difficult but nothing I can't handle, I'm trying to hit this high note while doing this certain move but I lose my breath and can't.

Y/n: you can do anything you set your mind on

Jk: thanks baby, ohh why did you call earlier?Did you need something?

(You can't tell him now, it'll only stress him out, the words the unknown person said to you ring in your head and no matter how hard you shake your head it stays.

'Tell him and I'll hurt Jaehyung')

Jk: baby?

Y/n: ... just wanted to say we love you so much and we're cheering you on

Jk: I miss you both so much, I promise I'll come see you soon, I have to go now baby my break is over.

Y/n: okay, I love you

Jk: I love you too

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