Chapter 24

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Jungkook POV

"Any of the members dating or perhaps have a crush on someone?" An eager fan asks

I'm used to being asked these sorts of questions on dating and love, and know how to answer them but I don't know, my heart strings are being tugged.

I feel as though I shouldn't lie to my beloved fans but at the same time, would they understand?

"I can speak for all of us that there is no one that we are infatuated with" I respond calmly, now is not the time to reveal anything.

"That's not true" 

I raise my head and look around for who said that. It almost sounded like Jaehyung?

Everyone goes quite and people look for the person who spoke.

"That's not true!" I identify the person who yelled and it was no other than Jaehyung with Y/n.

Why are they here?

My eyes lock with hers and she looks scared almost. I can see how worried she is with the sudden outburst of our son.

"What does that mean?" A fan asks

"Lying is bad"Jaehyung says looking at me. Making me feel bad but y/n understands but I forgot that Jaehyung is just a kid who doesn't know or understand anything about the situation.

The fans murmur amongst themselves and I see y/n retreat to backstage with Jaehyung.

Your POV

Amongst all the chatter I quickly go backstage with Jaehyung.

"Mommy why did he lie? Lying is bad right?" Jaehyung asks and is at the verge of crying.

"Ohh sweetie it's complicated but one day when you are just a little bit older I promise to explain everything" you say trying to soothe your son's pain.

"Does he not... love me?" Jaehyung asks crying

You hug your baby so tight in your arms and reassure him. "Shh baby he does love you, he loves you so much" you say

"Hey y/n, Jaehyung" Jungkook says out of breath from running in.

"Jungkook what are you doing the fan-sign isn't over yet" you say

"The guys can handle it" he says

Jungkook POV

" why did you lie? Lying is bad" Jaehyung says still on the arms of y/n. I see the fresh tears and instantly feel like someone has ripped away all the oxygen making a huge pain in my chest. I hate seeing him cry.

"I'm sorry Jaehyung but if I don't I can lose my job and then how can I take care of you and mommy" I explain

" I can take care of mommy and you" he says and makes me smile.

"Jaehyung I have no doubt that you will but this is what I love doing" I try to explain but I can't help but feel as it came off wrong.

"What I mean is having a job you love is important because then it doesn't feel like work but a dream" I explain

"I guess so" he simply replies

" I hope this doesn't cause you any problems" y/n says apologetically

"You didn't in fact I'm so happy you both came" I say honestly and get closer to y/n and kiss her forehead.

"Listen both of you, I want you in my life and to be together as a family" I say and Jaehyung smiles and wants me to hold him now.

"I finally have a dad" Jaehyung cheers

"You've always had a dad" I say and lift him in the air making him laugh.

"Do you really mean that?" Y/n asks

" I've never been more sure, I will sort everything out with the company and see what I can do, I can't live without you by my side" I say sincerely

"Okay" she says and smiles

~ A Few Hours Later ~

Y/n went home already with Jaehyung and I'm back at the crib with the guys and managers the tension in the air filling the room.

"I'm only gonna ask once, do you know that kid and the woman he was with?" Our manger asks pissed off the tension only getting bigger.

The guys all look at me then each other not knowing if we should come clean.

" No we d-" Namjoon begins to say but I cut him off.

"Yes we do" I say and stand up and get questioning looks from the guys.

"How do you know her and this boy?" Our manager asks

" She is the girl from five years ago" I say and the air in the room is thicker.

" and the boy is my son" I add

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