Chapter 22

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Jungkook POV

"How'd it go?!" Jin asks beamingly

"At first pretty good but then I blew it" I sigh and look down recalling the events

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asks

"Blew it?" Jimin mumbles

"We had dinner out in the terrace, then we were talking and it was fun hyungs" I smile

"But?" Namjoon says

"But then I ruined the mood by talking about my problems" I explain

" What problems?" Hoseok asks

"No it's nothing important hyungs please don't worry about it, I'm going to bed now, excuse me" I say and stand up from the couch but so do the others.

"Jungkook you're not going to bed in this state" Namjoon states


"Listen to us Jungkook, you have always been there for us through are problems but not once have you depended on us" Jin says

"Remember the concert in Chile? You didn't depend on us, you didn't come to us when you were sick with burdens and it caused you to pass out" Yoongi says rather a factly

"It's because you all have your own problems and I didn't want to add to that" I explain

"None of that matters, what matters is coming to us and we will deal with this problem together" Jin says

" so don't worry to much you can rely on our backs once in awhile" Taehyung says

"The biggest burden of all isn't the long hours of training or back to back schedules. It's seeing all of you guys hurt and not being able to do anything about it" I say and don't realize I'm crying till they all come to hug me, making me cry even more.

"It's okay Jungkook" Hoseok says comfortingly

"Ssshhh Jungkookie" Taehyung says

"Thanks hyungs" I wipe away the remaining tears.

"Now tells us" Namjoon says and we all sit back down.

I tell them everything.

"Jungkook she understands" Jimin pipes

"Yeah but she must think I sounded like a whiny pop star" I say frustrated

"I can assure you she doesn't think that" Hoseok says

" The end was just awkward, I'm telling you it was a bad date" I say

"So what if it's an awkward first date, did you honestly think it was gonna be peaches and creams? It's been five years you both have to start over" Yoongi says

" He's right, this is real life. You can't just pick up where you left off five years ago. You're going to have to rebuild that trust, the tight relationship you both once had" Namjoon elaborates

"I guess I just thought it'd be easier since I know her and all" I say

"That's the thing Jungkook, you don't know her not anymore. The y/n from five years ago has changed and it's time for you to get to know this y/n" Jin says

"Your right, your all right." I say

"Of course we are" Jin laughs

"Since when did you all become experts on love?" I ask in a teasing manner

"Yeah hyungs that was moving stuff you all said" Taehyung joins in

"I've read many novels" Namjoon says

"That I believe, what about you two?" I ask

" yah! go to sleep all of you" Jin yells and we all laugh

"Let's go to sleep Jungkookie" Taehyung says and throws his arm over my shoulder.

"Okay hyung good night" I say and go to Taehyung's and I's bedroom to sleep.

~ Y/n POV ~

You are laying in bed with your son finishing up reading a bedtime story.

"And they lived happily ever after, the end" you say and close the book and place it on the nightstand.

"Mommy are you and daddy going to get married?" Jaehyung asks catching you off guard.

" why do you ask?"

"Because I really want you too" He beams

"Well if two people are so much in love then getting married is the right thing to do" I say

"Are you really in love with daddy?" He asks

"I was very much in love and now I'm starting too again" I say not so much to Jaehyung but to yourself.

"Yay! We're going to be a family" he exclaims

"If it's meant to be it will be, now go to sleep" I say and kiss his forehead. He quickly falls asleep and before you go to sleep you receive a text.

Text message:

Jungkook: I had a great time today

Jungkook: Good night

I had a good time too! Sweet dreams:Y/N

After you send the text you can't help but grin. You place your phone on the night stand and go to sleep.


What do you all think of a new work?? I sort of have one I've been working on but don't know if I should publish it or not👉👈 anyways I wanted to hear (more like read) what you all have to say. Sorry if it's bothersome just discard this whole thing, thanks and hope you all are having an amazing day!

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