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“Yes, sir.” James answered.

“I can order for myself.” But hearing the item being read clearly, she is kind of offended. Did he assume that she couldn’t order for herself?

He lifted an eyebrow and looked at her.

She felt very uncomfortable under his gaze. She quickly took the menu and flipped through it. Under the pressure she nervously pick the first dish that she see because the menu kind of look liked a foreign language to her and there weren’t any pictures.

“I’ll have a Leisserue.” She thinks that how it is pronounced. “And cancel the overcooked steak and the Sundae. I’ll just have the water.” She ordered.

When she looked up at Levi, there was a smile that made her extremely uncomfortable. Did she do something wrong? She asked herself. This is the first time she has ever ordered in a fancy restaurant like this.

The waiter looked and asked. “Are you sure?” It’s rare that someone comes to this restaurant ordering water.

“Yea.” She said it less confidently.

“You seem to be overly interested in the waiter, James, was it?” He said in a dangerous tone.

“I was just looking at him casually.” She cleared her throat uneasily.

“Was it?” She can tell he doesn’t believe her.

 “What about you? You’re drinking under age. How can this restaurant let you do that?” She pointed to the confusion that she had earlier, but she also wanted to change the subject before anything goes wrong.

“Don’t doubt it,” he looked up at her while his index finger skimming the brim of the glass. “I’m older than twenty-one.”

“What!” She gaped at him. “But you were in the same senior class as me just a few months ago.” How is that possible?

“That’s because before I went to your school I already created a fake identity for my self. I had a fake id, fake age, and fake last name, fake background.  Don’t you think Levi Sullivan, the billionaire’s son, going to a small town high school would be a little unusual.”

“It wouldn’t have been just unusual, it would’ve been bizarre, but then why would you go to the small town high school?” She mimicked his tone at the last part.

He smiled at her childish gesture.

 “I went to your school because it was small and easy to overlook. At the time I need a hideout because of family problems and going to a college is very conspicuous.”

Wow. He had family problems. That’s one thing that she didn’t expect.

 Before they could say more, the waiter came back with their food. He carefully set the the dishes on to the table.

“Enjoy your food.” James said before he left.

“Thanks.” Ali replied.

Levi just gave him a nod.

The food looks delicious, even the one that she ordered.

“Go on. Try it.” Levi suggested. As he formally took his utensil and sliced the steak that he ordered.

Ali slowly cut a small piece off and took a bite. Immediately she knew what the smile he gave before was about. It taste terrible, frozen she felt her face starts to turn green. But she was too embarrassed to spit it out, so she practically swallowed it whole. Thanking god that the piece she cut wasn’t too big. Her hand went to her neck to sooth the gagging reflex.

On the other side of the table, Levi chuckle at her response.

“Changed your mind yet?” He asked.

She didn’t say anything, but she really want to wipe off that smirk on his face.

Levi took her silence as a yes.

He called back the waiter.

“Yes sir.” James answered formally.

“Bring back the steak and sundae I ordered before.” Levi instructed.

The waiter looked at her and than looked back at Levi. Ali felt her cheek turning red. Was she action too childish?

“It’ll just be a moment, sir.”

Looking up at Levi she was once shocked again by his eating posture. The steak was being cut neatly into tiny pieces. Slowly, he took one into his mouth and gently chewed it; the movement of his lips was hardly noticeable, and she could barely hear any sound through the whole process. She wonders how long it would take for him to eat the whole steak, eating elegantly and slow.

Noticing that she is staring he look back at her.

“Hungry? You could have some of mine.” He proposed sounding rather humored.

“I’m fine.” She replied and quickly looked away.

The food came shortly after.

What caught her attention was the drink. It was in many layers each layer had a different color and layout of fruit, cream was filled in between, and it was topped by a cherry. This was the fist time she has seen a drink made this luxurious.

“Try it, most girl tends to like it.” Levi said.

Most girls? Does he hang out with a lot of girls? Does he buy every girl this drink? She felt weird at the thought.

Hiding her discomfort, she quickly dug into the food. While eating she realized there are always noises no matter how hard she tries, the sound of the knife hitting the plate was especially ignoring. She gave up on being elegant.

“So about my employment…” Ali started asking the question that she cared most about.

“I could give job.” Levi offered.

“Really.” His answer surprised her.

“I’m in need of a private assistance.” He stated.

“No! I’m not going to work for you.” She dislikes the idea of working for him.

“Are you sure? The salary will start at fifty dollar an hour.” He tempted.

She gaped fifty dollar. That’s a lot of money for her right now.

“And this is your only choice. Either work for me, or no job or at all. End of question.” He looked at her and said casually.

She hated the impassive expression on his face.

She dislikes the idea a lot. This will mean that she will be seeing him probably everyday. And the offer he makes just doesn’t seem fair. The best she was hoping was making only thirteen dollar an hour, and he gave her fifty! Even though she hasn’t been in here long, but based on the media she know that the Sullivan company is a major corporation in NYC and that means the acceptance rate is probably very low, and he have given her the position of private assistance! What would other people think of her.

“I’ll think about it.” She said looking down. This is her only chance.

“I don’t have much time. You have till tomorrow.” He said while scribbling something on a paper, and then he handed it to her. “This is my number.”

When the waiter brought the ticket up, she glanced over curiously. As she saw the price, she was overwhelmingly shocked. What they just ate cost four hundred dollars!


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