Losing To yourself

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 Winning, he thought he was defenitley winning. Winning what? Well favor with the dark lord, winning against all eho thought he woulnt be anything, winning against poter who cost him so mchover the last few monts. To him, proving himself was the only way to win at life. Little did he know he was loosing himself more and more. Peice by peice untill he was completley unreconizable. Unreconizable by his loved ones, more importantly the more he lost himself the more he lost the one person who helped him feel sane.

"hello sweetheart" Draco said as he passed his fiance. It had been a couple of days where they hadent seen eachother; she was avoiding him.

"Oh, hello to you as well" Draco seemed to be very perky that particular winter morning. He devised a plan that was sure to work!

"Is there something you need?" (F/n) asked with a bit of an eyeroll

"Well, no not really but as my woman your company  is sort of a requirement isnt it"

(F/n) furrowed her brows and stood up abruptly "I'm  no ones  woman but my own" Draco tched and grabbed her wrist "look- I...I didnt mean-" he sighed "I misspoke."

"Try again then" (f/n) said sharply snatching her wrist away.

He sighed "I have a plan that will work 100 percent!"

"A plan?" (F/n) said still upset about his tone with her "A plan" he repeated and she bit the inside of her lip "ah; a plan. Well I wish it works ok"

Draco pulled out a necklace he smiles "I'm going to curse it with a powerful spell. And then deliver it to Dumbledoor when he touches it surley he will die"

"And how do you plan to hand it to him?"

"I'll have a lower class man deliver it for me and jinx her so she forgets who"

(F/n) sighed "dont be reckless, make sure no one is around when you give them the pakage"

"Concerned for me are you?" Draco asked with a grin and pushed  her roughly against the wall. His hands tightly gripped her waist and he forcefully kissed her,.possesivley selfishly.

(F/n)'a body stiffened and she smacked his face and shoved him away from her "what the hell is wrong with you latley??!!!"

"Me? The the hell is wrong with me??? Your the one acting like a bloody child!"

"Your not yourself anymore!" She said firmly "your letting things get the better if you, your letting him change you! You promise you wouldnt loose yourself in this and this is just what you've done! When you go back to being yourself then come get me!" (F/n) said harshly walking away.

Draco stood there silently as he watched her storm off. He held his cheek and then begun to laugh. That was the first time he felt something in weeks. The stinging flesh of his cheek slowly turned red and he walked off as if nothing.

I need to get her to hit me more he thought as he walked aimlessly through the halls. He had lost himself and no one could be sure weather he would be able to come back from it.

Love and where to Find it (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now