Punches, Kicks, Dates And Me

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I had thought about the situation all night. I had come up with a plan, not a very good one but a plan never less. I would go out with Lucas because he’s nice and I don’t want to hurt him, but afterwards I would break up with him. Not straight after wards but you get my drift. I wasn’t ready for a relationship nor did I think it was right that I was only going out with Lucas because I knew it would annoy Sirius.

So that was the plan.

I was sitting next to Izzie at breakfast.

“So, Nellie.” She said, “Looking forward to your date?” She asked, the sarcasm evident in her voice.

I glared, “Izzie.”

Izzie shrugged, “What? It was just an innocent question. That’s all.”

“The questions you ask are never innocent.” I replied, before taking a bite of my toast.

Izzie glared at me before muttering something I couldn’t quite catch under her breath. We sat in silence for a few moments before Izzie broke it, “Look who’s arrived.”

I looked to what she was staring at and then I saw it. Sirius and Sarah, hand in hand. I felt unsettling feeling in my stomach that made me want to be sick. Then, the determination that I had to break up with Lucas started to waver into nothing. The anger bubbled to the surface again and I wanted nothing more but to get them back; again. I looked at Sarah and I got the urge to punch that lovely oval sized head of hers. She smiled at me before looking at Sirius, whom was avoiding looking at me. Hmmm, Azkaban can’t be that bad can it…? Nah. It’s got to be terrible there, I mean think of all the nasty people that reside there! Plus, Sarah isn’t worth it, though she would probably argue that she is.


I suppose I’ve learn nothing but Sirius Black; this is war. A war that I am determined to win.

“Lovely couple aren’t they?” I heard someone whisper next to me. “They look so good together.”

No they don’t. They aren’t lovely!


Stupid pair of flip flops.

“Come on.” Izzie said, “We’ve got to go Hogsmeade. I want to get some socks before you have to go and meet Lucas. Hmmm.” She pondered her thoughts for a moment, “Maybe I should get a quill too…I need a few more quills…I wonder if they’ve got that one back in stock…they didn’t have it before did they?” Izzie was rambling. Izzie rambles when she’s either wanting me to talk to her or she’s hiding something so she’ll just talk about the most pointless things ever. There are other reasons why she rambles but those are the main two. “I want some sweets as well. I fancy a whole lot of sugar at the moment…I don’t know why.” I shot her raised eyebrows. “Don’t do that. It’s quite creepy you know? You sort of look surprised but like a masked murderer too. It’ll give me nightmares. Thank you very much Nellie.”

“No problem.” I replied, “It’s my pleasure.” I raised my eyebrows again, “Oh. Sirius has annoyed me, so I’ve decided to forget about him and not break up with Lucas after the first date.” I might as well chuck it into the conversation somewhere.

Izzie shook her head, “Okay Nellie. Whatever you want. Be a silly cheese. Hmmm… Now I want some cheese.”

“Izzie you’re acting odd.”

“Perhaps I got up out of my bed the wrong way.”

“You get out your bed the same side everyday. It’s one of your things.” I laughed, “Plus, how many ways are there to get out of bed? Roll, climb, slide…and of course, a handstand…but those must be quite hard when you’ve only been awake for thirty seconds or so.” I sighed, “Handstands are hard anyway…”

The World, Biscuits And Sirius Black According To Nellie O'NeillWhere stories live. Discover now